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Dharamshala: - The political and spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Monday has formally conveyed his retirement Decision to the 14th Assembly of the Tibetan People's Deputies. The 75-year-old Nobel peace laureate's decision was aimed to devolve his "formal authority" to an elected leader of the Tibet and Tibetan people. The message was read out by Mr. Penpa Tsering the speaker of the 14th Tibetan Parliament, where its last session was started today.

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Taipei: -- Some 200 exiled Tibetans currently residing in Taiwan and Taiwanese supporters participated in a peaceful demonstration in Taipei to mark the 3rd Anniversary of the 2008 peaceful protest in all parts of Tibet and the 52nd anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan national uprising against Chinese rule.

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London: A large group of UK based Tibetans and Tibet supporters descended upon the centre of British politics, on Thursday, to lobby their political representatives as part of Tibetan National Uprising Day.

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Dharamshala: The political and spiritual leader of Tibet His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Saturday expressed his sadness over a massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan.

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Dharamshala: A key supporter of Tibet in the US Congress has called on the international community to stand with the Tibetan people in their peaceful struggle to resolve the issue of Tibet, saying the Tibetan people have accumulated legitimate grievances from decades of heavy-handed Chinese government policies in Tibet.

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Tokyo: Around 2:46 pm a strong earthquake shook Tokyo city. Epicenter of the earthquake is believed to be around North east Japan of Miyagi prefecture. The 8.9 magnitude earthquake was followed by major tsunami around the east coast of Japan. The earthquake and the tsunami brought a lot of damage to the lives and properties with more than 1000 confirmed death, and many still missing. Tsunami virtually swallowed a town; many lost their homes and are sheltered in temporary shelters.

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Berlin, March 10th, 2011 - The Tibet Initiative Deutschland (TID) remembered the victims of the Tibetan Uprising in 1959 with a demonstration of solidarity in front of the Chinese embassy in Berlin. "Even today people in Tibet are risking their lives if they speak out for their legitimate rights", said Wolfgang Grader, chairman of the TID. "We demand, that our politicians advocate loud and clear the Tibetan people's right to self-determination and the improvement of human rights in Tibet. "

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