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Dharamshala: The US Ambassador to India, Timothy J. Roemer, is set to arrive in Dharamshala later today (Wednesday) for a two-day visit which will include a meeting with Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

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Dharamshala: Zhou Yongkang, China's official in charge of the state security aparatus, spoke at a seminar at the weekend urging senior officials to improve 'social management' and to 'detect conflicts and problems early on', says state media outlet Xinhua.

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Dharamshala: The Tibetan prime minister (Kalontripa) Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche thanked Swiss people and government for sheltering thousands of exiled Tibetans who have been forced to flee their homeland Tibet over the 50 years. "Switzerland was the first Western country to invite a large number of Tibetan refugees for resettlement and these settlers have been the happiest among the Tibetan Diaspora...said Rinpoche who arrived in Zurich, Switzerland on 18 February evening.

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Taipei: Tibetans and Taiwanese supporters gathered in the prayer hall of the Tibet office in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan this evening, February 19, Saturday to combine their voices in prayer following the tragic death of Tibetan activist and freedom fighter Jigme Norbu on 14th February in Florida. The prayer was led by Jampal Chozin the Buddhist teacher of Tibet Office in Taipei.

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Berlin: - The Tibetan prime minister Professor Samdhong Rinpoche on February 17th, 2011 - Thursday, voiced his deep concern for the current situation in Tibet: "The restrictions imposed after the uprising in 2008 have not been rolled back. In fact, things have gotten worse." At the moment, intellectuals, journalists, authors, and environmental activists are being targeted for political persecution Samdhong Rinpoche during a press conference held by the German Tibet support group Tibet Initiative Deutschland (TID).

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Dharamshala: In Mumbai last Friday, the political and spiritual leader of Tibet His Holiness the Dalai Lama didn't show a shadow of a doubt concerning the resolution of the Tibetan issue. In answer to a question about whether it would be solved within his lifetime, he asserted: "Of course it will, it definitely will, I am confident it will."

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Dharamshala: - Tibet's spiritual and political leader His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Friday said recent popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia sat firmly in the tradition of non-violent protest espoused by the likes of India's independence icon, Mahatma Gandhi.

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