Geneva — At the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, the European Union, in its statement on the human rights situation around the world, expressed its concern at the extremely serious human rights situation in Tibet and condemned the Chinese boarding schools for Tibetan children and the taking of DNA samples from Tibetans.

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New Jersey, USA — After US visa denial, the Tibet Women's Soccer Team said that the team will compete at "the 2017 Vancouver International Soccer Festival (VISF) as special guests and Ambassadors of Peace."

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Paris, France — "As China and its president, Xi Jinping, prepare to celebrate the New Year on 28 January, RSF is concerned about the unprecedented decline in freedom of information" in China, the The Paris world media watch-dog "Reporters Without Borders" (RSF) said in a statement.

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Paris, France — The Paris based world Media Watch-dog, 'Reporters Without Borders' (RSF) expressed their regrets that the World Economic Forum, which brings government leaders and big businessmen together in the Swiss resort of Davos, is lending itself as a platform to Chinese President Xi Jinping without any heed to the human rights situation in his country.

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