Tibetans and Taiwanese Commemorate the 52nd Tibetan Uprising Day

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12march20110088099089Taipei: -- Some 200 exiled Tibetans currently residing in Taiwan and Taiwanese supporters participated in a peaceful demonstration in Taipei to mark the 3rd Anniversary of the 2008 peaceful protest in all parts of Tibet and the 52nd anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan national uprising against Chinese rule.

Shouting various slogans "Free Tibet" and "Tibetan people need freedom and human rights, " about 200 Tibetans and Taiwanese including members of Taiwan based Tibet Support groups marched through the streets of downtown Taipei Saturday to commemorate the 1959 Tibetan uprising against China's invasion.

Participants sang the national anthem of Tibet and performed a skit that depicted the 1959 uprising before starting to parade down Zhongxiao E. Road in Taipei City.

"What we can do for Tibetan people is very limited. Through the parade, we want Tibetans to know that we have not forgotten about them, " Chow Mei-li, president of Taiwan Friends of Tibet, which co-organized the annual event, told the crowd.

"The announcement was a clear message that the Dalai Lama wanted Tibetans to be prepared for the time when he is no longer with them, and that every Tibetan should be aware that the future of their country is in their hands, rather than dependent on any one person" she further said.

"Sooner or later, Tibetans have to face the reality, whether or not they choose to continue with a moderate approach, Tibetans living outside their country may not be strongly affected by His Holiness the Dalai Lama's announcement of retirement, but for those people still in Tibet, the move could be very disheartening, she added.

"We will continue our event, 'Walk for Tibet' in every upcoming years until people of Tibet gain their freedom from Chinese rule, said Mr. Zhuyin Cheng, the vice president of Taiwan Friend Of Tibet.

Mr. Tashi Tsering, the president of the regional chapter of Tibetan Youth Congress has thanked the people of Taiwan, particularly the Taiwanese supporters and members of Taiwan based Tibet Support groups for their participation in Tibetan freedom movements and their strong support and solidarity to the people of Tibet.