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Dharamshala — More than 1400 Monpas from Arunach Pradesh, including Chief Minister Pema Khandu, celebrated His Holiness' 90th birthday according to the Tibetan lunar calendar in Dharamshala on Saturday. Sikyong Penpa Tsering, Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, Ling Rinpoche and other distinguished guests attended the celebration.

Dharamshala — His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama attended a Long Life Prayer offered to him by the Monpa Community of Arunachal Pradesh at the Main Tibetan Temple on Saturday and His Holiness said, "this Long-Life Ceremony has been organized by the Mönpas. These were the people who came to greet me and showed deep respect, when I left Tibet many of them touching their heads to my feet. Mönyul is where I entered India and, as I say, I was very moved by the devotion of the people."

Dharamshala — Samdhong Rinpoche in place of His Holiness the Dalai Lama gives teaching on the transmission on Avalokiteshvera Guru Yoga Practice (chenresig lama neljor) at the request of the Monpa Community of Arunachal Pradesh, on September 6, 2024 at Tibetan Main Temple, Dharamshala.

Dharamshala — Chinese traffickers continue to abduct children, not only in China but also in Tibet, they are now going into Tibetan areas and starting to abduct Tibetan children. One source said that more than 30 Tibetan children have been abducted and once they have been stolen, it is very difficult to get them back; very recently, around seven-year-old Tibetan girl was abducted in Zamthang county, in Tibet.

Dharamshala — The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) today commemorates the 64th anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day in Dharamshala and calls on the Chinese government to immediately end its brutal policies aimed at destroying Tibetan religion, culture and identity in Tibet.

Zurich — His Eminence the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, head of the Karma Kagyud tradition, met His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in Zurich on August 25, 2024. Karmapa Rinpoche urged him to rest more and His Holiness indicated that he would live to the age of 110. Tibetans were thrilled to see their most beloved lamas reunited after seven years, and social media circulated photos of them together. 

Dharamshala — In an exclusive interview with Tibet Post International (TPI), Tibet Youth Congress (TYC) General Secretary, activist, writer and Tibetan refugee Sonam Tsering spoke about the struggles faced by Tibetans as escapees, refugees and activists. "I had no idea that I was going to leave my parents and family forever, when I escaping to a free country. They knew that if I stayed in Tibet, I would either graze animals or be sent to compulsory Chinese boarding schools run by the Chinese government and return home as a Chinese," he said.

The despotic, self-imposed communist regime in China constitutes a significant and unpredictable threat, with far-reaching consequences across the globe. Photo: TPI

Editorial Insights

Since 2008, Tibet Post International (TPI) has faced recurring cyberattacks, orchestrated by the Chinese government or its affiliates, with the latest attack in July 2023 causing extensive malfunctions and unauthorised alterations, leaving the site inactive for months; subsequent attacks included malicious weblinks, prompting a complete overhaul; on March 7, 2024, Chinese government hackers targeted TPI's Chinese version, highlighting the persistent threat.

Dharamshala – The book (Echoes From Forgotten Mountains: Tibet In War And Peace' ) was reviewed by Vijay Kranti, a veteran Indian journalist and keen observer of Tibet. A detailed documentation of brave Tibetan people’s fight against the Chinese military might. The book is a historic document for the coming generations of Tibet.

Tibet Post International (TPI) conducted an exclusive interview with renowned Tibetan poet, writer, and activist Tenzin Tsundue. Talking about the ideal dream of every Tibetan, he said that independence is the ultimate goal, which alone can keep the power of dreams alive, and if required, we are also willing to wait a thousand years. The Middle Way Approach should therefore only be seen as a survival tactic.

Tenzin Topdhen, the director of Tibet Museum in Gangkyi, Dharamshala. Photo: TPI

Interviews and Recap

Dharamshala — TPI conducted an exclusive interview with Tenzin Topdhen, Director of the Tibet Museum. In this interview, he talks about the museum, its significance, the challenges the team faced in building the museum, his own experience of collecting objects and the purpose of all the stories.

Dharamshala — The PRC's latest white paper lists the government's proposals for the future of humanity and speaks of universal values and principles "which, if put into practice, could earn China a Nobel Peace Prize. China's new white paper looks good on paper, but fails in practice, the white paper is all about what China is not," says Tsewang Gyalpo Arya, representative of the Liaison Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for Japan and East Asia.

President Sue Ott Rowlands presents Jetsun Pema with the Pearl S. Buck Award on April 18, 2024. (Photo: Randolph College)

Education and Society

Lynchburg — Jetsun Pema, former minister and president of the Tibetan Children’s Village School, has been awarded the prestigious Pearl S. Buck Award from Randolph College in recognition of her contribution to the education of Tibetan children over the past five decades.

Dharamshala — On the occasion of the International Day of Action for Rivers, Tibetan experts issued a ten-point call to the Chinese government and the international community. They call on China to halt the construction of a dam in Dege county, eastern Tibet, which will not only harm the environment but also go against the wishes of the local population living around the Drichu river. They also underline the vital importance of Tibetan rivers for water security in Asia.

Berlin — International Campaign for Tibet has released a new report on Tibetan environmental defenders entitled "Environmental Defenders of Tibet: China's Persecution of Tibetan Environmental Defenders", ahead of World Environment Day on June 5, 2022.

Dharamshala, India  — “Our initial aim was to help Tibetan refugees from Tibet and assist them in any way we could. The first projects we got involved in were teaching English and basic computer skills to the community, so they could develop their skills and lead a new life in exile," said Dorji Kyi, Executive Director of Lha Charitable Trust.

Dharamshala, India – “We must pay more attention to our thousand-year-old tradition of Ahimsa and Karuna. The tradition of non-violence and compass can teach the world a path of tolerance, thoughtfulness, and compassion,” said His Holiness the Dalai Lama while interacting with the students and faculty of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Rohtak.

Mainpat, India — The Mainpat Phendeyling Tibetan Settlement was one of the first Tibetan settlements established by the Indian government in 1962 to rehabilitate the 1,400 Tibetan refugees who arrived in India after the Chinese annexation of Tibet in 1959.


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Kolkata — Indian Tibet supporter Sandesh Meshram began his fifth cycle rally in eight Indian states, from West Bengal to New Delhi, and called on the Chinese government to release Tibetan environmentalist Karma Samdrup, who has been imprisoned to 15 years for advocating the protection of Tibet's fragile environment and Tibetan rivers, which are a source of fresh water for millions of people in countries neighbouring with Tibet.

New Delhi — Many international experts on China and Tibet are of the opinion that President Xi Jinping’s obsession with security and to present himself as the new Mao Zedong is resulting into cultural genocide and total annihilation of the national personality of China’s colonies like Tibet, East Turkistan (Xinjiang) and Southern Mongolia. Analyzing the causes and impact of dividing occupied Tibet in 1965 into many pieces at an international webinar titled “China’s Cartographic Colonialism in Tibet” experts from USA, Europe, Tibet and India expressed concern that China’s Communist Party (CCP) and its leaders are religiously focused at washing out Tibet’s history by rewriting and propagating a manufactured version that suits Chinese expansionism.

Hong Kong: RSF representative detained and deported on attempt to monitor Jimmy Lai’s national security trial. Photo: RSF


The Paris-based media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has stated that Aleksandra Bielakowska, an RSF representative, was deported from Hong Kong upon arrival to monitor the landmark trial of publisher Jimmy Lai.

Keep calm and secure your data. Photo: TPI

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