Tibet has a rich history as a sovereign nation until the 1950s when it was invaded by China. [Photo: File]

The Shadow of Modern Tyranny: Exposing China's colonial oppressive regime
Tibet is under military occupation by China; no other occupied nation has endured such a protracted illegal invasion while maintaining a fully functioning government, along with a rich history, political system, unique and distinct national flag, language, culture, currency, foreign relations, and national armed forces, all of which are entirely separate from those in China, in contrast to numerous countries that have achieved independence in the last century.

TIBET, renowned as the "Roof of the World," encompasses a vast expanse, exceeding two-thirds the area of India or more than two and a half times the combined size of Austria, Denmark, France, and Germany.

A Brief Introduction to the Tibetan Government In-Exile Background.
In 1949 the People’s Liberation Army of China marched into Tibet’s northeastern province of Kham and Amdo, thus setting in motion the forcible occupation of the country which culminated in the flight of its young leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama to India and the crushing of the Tibetan National Uprising in March 1959.

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual leader of Tibet. He was born on 6 July 1935, to a farming family, in a small hamlet located in Taktser, Amdo, northeastern Tibet.

Where is Tibet located on a map?

The term "Tibet" here means the whole of Tibet known as Cholka-Sum (U-Tsang, Kham and Amdo). It includes the present-day Chinese administrative areas of the so-called Tibet Autonomous Region, Qinghai Province, two Tibetan Autonomous Prefectures and one Tibetan Autonomous County in Sichuan Province, one Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and one Tibetan Autonomous County in Gansu Province and one Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province.

There is some uncertainty over the precise date, but it was apparently on October 7th that units of the Chinese so-called People’s Liberation Army crossed the River Yangtze into Kham, the eastern province of Tibet in the foothills of the Himalayas.

Lama turns to iPhone to spread app-ness. Photo: Hürriyet Daily News

His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and their greatest advocate for a free Tibet. He travels the world spreading his message of peace, non-violence, and compassionate responsibility for his fellow man. He is the epitome of a selfless individual, often stating that he is a simple Buddhist monk. He has authored or co-authored more than 110 books, ranging from philosophical to inspirational to ethical subjects.