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Dharamshala: China is in the midst of a frustrated censorship race as security and police forces muscle in and regime frontmen scurry to come up with new regulations to counter the foreign press.

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama talks about retirement
Dharamshala: - In November His Holiness' retirement once again resurfaced in the media, during Karan Thapar show Devil's Advocate on CNN-IBN in late November, the Dalai Lama was quizzed on his full retirement.

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Oakland: - More than six decades after Communist China's invasion of Tibet the sad reality remains that Tibet still is not free but continues to be terrorized by its invaders. United Nations for a Free Tibet, along with Tibetan exiles, many other Free Tibet groups/organizations and their supporters in dozens of countries, shall once again march on March 10th to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising of 1959.

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Dharamshala: The presence of police officers in Beijing is set to be amped up following recent calls to protest in the nation's capital. The communist regime also appears to be rolling back some press freedoms it introduced ahead of the 2008 Olympics, barring foreign journalists from working near a popular Shanghai park and along a major Beijing shopping street after calls for weekly protests in those spots appeared online.

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Dharamshala: The Chinese government's Xinhua news agency is reporting that a series of agreements have been signed on Monday by officials in Kathmandu, Nepal, to increase financial assistance given to Nepal by neighbouring China.

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Dharamshala: - On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the destruction of the giant Buddha statues of Bamiyan, in Afghanistan, by the then-ruling fundamentalist Taliban ten years ago, the United Nations cultural chief Monday called on the world to protect the heritage of humanity from damage, turmoil and theft.

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Dharamshala: Attempts to stage mass protests in China have again been thwarted by police, as hundreds of officers swarm the designated protest spots in Beijing and Shanghai.

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