The global decline in press freedom and freedom of speech has accelerated sharply in recent years, largely due to China's exploitation and misuse of social media and other vulnerable media, weaponisation of propaganda machines, attacks on democracies around the world and making it easier to completely isolate Tibet from the rest of the world, according to a new report by Tibet Post International (TPI).

On 23rd May Beijing completes 70 years of colonial occupation and rigid communist rule of China. It was on 23rd May 1951 when the Dalai Lama, the ruler and supreme spiritual leader of Tibet, heard a dramatic broadcast on ‘Radio Peking’ which announced that Tibet had signed a “17-Point Agreement” with China under which Tibet had agreed to become a part of China.

The tone and temper of the two latest laws of the USA on Tibet and Xinjiang that US-China honeymoon is over and we should be ready to witness a new phase of US-China cold war. Extraordinary coordination between Republicans and Democrats in both houses of the US Congress to push these Bills through even during peak days of their animosity indicates that Joe Biden may not be as soft to China as believed. The Tibet Bill has many take aways for India too. 

Dharamshala, India—Cinema is arguably the most powerful medium to tell stories, especially in a society that faces social, cultural and political obstacles. Films are a great way to communicate the reality of the Tibetan way of life, something the world knows so little about. Due to censorship, there is a wide gap of knowledge of Tibet’s rich history and culture in other parts of the world but films have begun to change that.

Taipei — In the history of human civilisation and international politics, the territory has become one of the most contested issues. Territory represents power, reproduce power, and it also represents the culture and identity of people living on it. The essence of the territory and its association with the concept of sovereignty still plays a vital role in shaping international politics and order.

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