Be a 21st century Buddhist nun: Tibetan minister

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culture-religious-2013Dharamshala: - Tibetan minister of culture and religious said it is "important" to be a "21st century Buddhist nun," during a special event of Tibetan Buddhist nuns held near Himalayan town of Dharamshala.

At the invitation of Dhongue Gatseling Nunnery at Tashi Jong near Dharamsala, Kalon Pema Chhinjor of the Department of Religion and Culture of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) attended the consecration ceremony of the nunnery on Friday, 19 April, according to CTA media 'Tibet Net.'

Speaking at the ceremony, Kalon Pema Chhinjor spoke about the importance of being a 21st century Buddhist nun.

He said the rich traditions of centuries-old Tibetan Buddhism should be preserved and practiced.

However, it is also important to learn modern education and keep up with contemporary developments, he said.

Jetsun Tenzin Palmo, head nun of the nunnery, read out a brief introduction about the nunnery's history and legacy.

Kasur Richen Khando, Director of Tibetan Nun's Project, also spoke at the ceremony. The ceremony was also marked with offering of scarves to Khamtrul Rinpoche, Dozong Rinpoche and Tulku Chogyal Rinpoche at their residences.