His Holiness the Dalai Lama visits three Tibetan institutions in Dharamsala

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16may20092This morning at eight o’clock, Tibetan spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited three institutions in Dharamsala, the Thoe-sam Ling Institute for International Buddhist Women, the Nyingtob Ling Institute (located in Sidhpur, Dharamsala) and the Jamyang Choling Institute (JCI) to address a variety of Buddhist practitioners, teachers and inquisitive onlookers. At Thoe-sam Ling, His Holinesss held a teaching at which about forty people were in attendance. The audience mostly consisted of female Buddhist nuns. He emphasized the importance of both the study and practice of Buddhism: “We should not prioritize materialism. Instead, the main aim of the ‘Sangha’ community must be to learn and apply Buddhist philosophy. To become ordained as a monk or nun, and to remain humble and refrain from doing harm, are aims of great importance.”

His Holiness the Dalai Lama proceeded to address the disabled students as well as the teachers of Nyingtob Ling, stating that great quantities of disabled Tibetan and India people settle in Dharamsala, and that providing them with access to medical facilities and educational institutions is an act of great significance. He added that the larger community is obligated to improve the quality of these services. His Holiness told the students not to be discouraged by their physical disabilities;
16may20091that, “We all have precious human brains.” He then expressed appreciation for the teachers and social workers: “You are cultivating much virtue by helping those limited by physical ailments, and I am very happy to hear that some of your disabled pupils recovered after medical treatment, and are now functioning members of society.”

At ten o’clock His Holiness attended the grand consecration of the Jamyang Choling Institute’s new assembly hall in Gharoh, Dharamshala.  Ninety percent of the nuns residing at the Institute are from Himalayan regions such as Himachal and Arunachal. He preached on the subject of the student-teacher lineage of Nalenta Buddhist Institute and the development of Buddhism in China, Tibet and Mongolia: “Nowadays the number of Buddhist followers and practitioners is steadily mounting, as people are becoming fascinated with the profound teachings and doctrines of Buddhism. The religion first sprouted in China. But after some time its influence dwindled, as in Mongolia. But in the present day the practice and study of Buddhism is undergoing a revival.
16may20093Fully developed Buddhism encompasses Mahayana, Hinayana, and Tantric Buddhism. We Tibetans uphold the purest form of spiritual practice. Since we came into exile, we have assigned great importance to the building of monasteries and nunneries comparable to those which exist in our homeland, enabling the students to engage in serious study of Buddhist doctrine and philosophy and eventually allowing them to receive a Doctorate in Buddhist Studies. We are working toward tracing the lineage of ordination for nuns. I request that all Tibetan followers of Buddhism devote themselves to the preservation of our spiritual identity.”

His Holiness concluded with a motivational appeal: “When you have concluded your studies at the Institute, it would be helpful and productive to return to your hometowns and share your knowledge and expertise.  You should be mindful of the purity of your practice. Thank you.”