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Dharamshala: In world history, language is maintained as a matter of national identity, language defines a culture. The current genocide of the Tibetan language by the Chinese government aims to make Chinese children out of Tibetan children.

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Dharamshala: Exile students of East Turkistan or Uyghurstan have this week voiced their support for the Tibetans during their current protests over language restrictions. This comes after over a week of protests by Tibetans, through-out the region and also in Beijing. So far over 9,000 people have demonstrated over the educational reforms in Amdo, which will see all classes taught in Mandarin instead of the native Tibetan.

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Dharamshala: An article published Monday (25 October) in China's state controlled media, so called "China Tibet Information Center" has once again demonstrated their objection to Liu Xiaobo winning the Noble Peace Prize, calling it "anything but the legitimate judgment of peace."

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Dharamshala: Tibet's political and spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama said that he is deeply moved after the Council of Warsaw renamed an important street as "Tibet Square" this week.

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Dharamshala: In an article published on 24 October on the China's state controlled news agecy "Xinhua", the Norwegian Nobel Committee was accused of anti-Chinese motives in awarding the 2010 Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo earlier this month.

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Dharamshala: Three Indian peace Activists Saturday (23 October 2010) in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, urged the United Nations to concentrate about the Tibet cause. They demonstrated by painting with their own blood, supporting Tibetan people.

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Dharamshala: On Saturday, the Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama inaugurated and blessed the new Tibetan Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto, as part of his weekend visit to the city.

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