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Washington: China continues harassment of Tibetan Buddhists and such infringements on religious freedom "strain" bonds that back democratic societies, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters at a press conference held in Washington on Wednesday.

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Dharamshala: Tibet's political and spiritual leader His Holiness publically proclaimed his joy for the release of Burmese political prisoner Aung San Suu Kyi in a press release made Monday (15th November). The 65 year old Nobel Peace Prize winner was put under house arrest in 1989 and was detained for 15 of the past 21 years.

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Tokyo: The Tibetan Nobel Laureate, who has met with the Japanese and foreign medias at various levels in different places During his 11 day visit to Japan. His Holiness said that it is wrong if the communist leaders think that Tibet issue will die with him, "Tibet has a long political, cultural and religious history, whereas Dalai Lama institution is only about 400 years old." His Holiness said.

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Hiroshima: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Monday (15th November) met a delegation of media from major televisions, news papers and magazines today at Hiroshima Grand Prince Hotel. His Holiness greeted the media and expressed his happiness over the warm welcome he received throughout his visit in Japan and the successful completion of the three-days World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates.

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Dharamshala: World leaders including six Nobel Peace laureates have welcomed the release of the Burmese pro-democracy campaigner, Ms Aung San Suu Kyi, on Saturday (13th November) in Japan. The release also leaves China as the only country or only communist regime in the world with a Nobel winner currently in prison. Mr. Liu Xiaobo, was awarded the prize in this year, almost a year since being given an eleven-year prison sentence for "inciting subversion" after he co-authored Charter 08, a petition for political reform in China and Tibet.

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Hiroshima: This morning His Holiness the Dalai Lama along with the other Nobel Peace Laureates visited the Hiroshima Memorial Park, where the Nobel Laureates and the delegation paid respect and prayer to those who lost their lives during that fateful day of August 1945. Conclusion ceremony of the 11th World Summit of Nobel Laureates was also done before the large gathering of the delegates, medias, general public and the students.

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Hiroshima: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama gave interview to Times Magazine and Kategaho, a Japanese magazine this morning. In the interview, His Holiness answered and gave many clarifications on various questions raised.

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