Tokyo – Japanese Buddhist Conference for the World Federation issued a statement saying that the Tibetan people should decide the successor to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on the basis of Tibetan culture and history, not China. it said: 'We, the monks of Japan, believe that Tibetan people must decide upon the next successor based on their Tibetan Buddhist culture and history. China (PRC) is communist and based on non-religious principles. It is contradictory to let people who do not believe in religion decide who is the religious leader of the country.'

New Delhi – His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) on Saturday and His Holiness addressed the audience, “Dividing people into ‘us’ and ‘them’ is out of date. Instead, we should think of them in terms of ‘karuna’ and ‘ahimsa’. If we cultivate this precious thought of ‘karuna’, we’ll be free from fear, anger and hatred. We’ll sleep soundly and enjoy good physical health.”

New Delhi – One common observation of the speakers in an international webinar on “Consequences of Xi Jinping’s Failure on Covid-19 Front” was that because of the total opaqueness of the Xi Jinping government about the causes, severity, and other issues related to Wuhan virus, ordinary Chinese citizens have lost faith in their communist government and its leaders.

Geneva — Four UN human rights bodies questioned China over the closure of Tibetan schools and monastic schools, which are the main schools where Tibetan can be learned, and the residential schools, which have been built to teach only Chinese culture; about one million Tibetan children study there, which will turn Tibetan children into Chinese and disconnect them from their identity.

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