Brussels – At the 38th round of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue in Brussels, the EU urged China to investigate and stop violations of human rights and international law, expressing its concern about cases of illegal detention, enforced disappearance, torture and ill-treatment. The EU also called on China to immediately release Tibetan political prisoners, including Go Sherab Gyatso, Rinchen Tsultrim and Tashi Dorje.

New Delhi – While the people of Tibet and other colonies of China are struggling for freedom of their countries from Chinese occupation, their struggle is also aimed at ensuring the national security of countries surrounding China, especially for India, and peace for the rest of the world from a belligerent China. This was a common observation of experts and advocacy groups who shared a common platform to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the ‘Declaration of Independence of Tibet’ by the 13th Dalai Lama in 1913.

New Delhi – Amid many painful aspects of the spread of Covid-19 in China, one positive outcome is the new comradeship between the people of colonized countries like Tibet, Xinjiang (East Turkistan), Southern Mongolia, and the right-thinking Chinese citizens have come to establish in these painful days. Experts and thought leaders from all of these four groups, who shared a common international webinar platform were of the opinion that to fight the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party under President Xi Jinping, they must join hands.

Washington – US Representatives Jim McGovern and Michael McCaul and Senators Jeff Merkley and Todd Young reintroduced the Promote Peaceful Resolution to the Tibet-China Conflict Act on Wednesday. Congressman McGovern said, “The Tibetans are a people who deserve to have their rights respected under international law. This includes the right of self-determination, which they have been denied by the Chinese government and the international community.”

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