Resolve Tibet issue Through Sincere And Meaningful Dialogue: TSGs

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forth-all-india-tibet-support-groups-conference-2012Dharamshala: - Indian Support Groups from different corners of India today concluded their three-day extensive deliberations on strengthening its movement on the issue of Tibet, strongly urging the Chinese government to resolve the Tibet issue through sincere and meaningful dialogue with the Tibetan side.

"Meaningful and sincere negotiations with a sense of urgency between the representatives of the Dalai Lama and democratically-elected leadership of the Central Tibetan Administration and the Chinese leadership is the only way to resolve the issue of Tibet, and there is a need for immediate resumption of stalled talks," say the support groups in their declaration.

The 4th All India Tibet Support Groups Conference, convened by Core Group for Tibetan Cause in Dharamsala, adopted a 10-point Action Plan to strengthen and redouble the efforts of support groups in the cause of Tibet.

The Action Plan says Tibet Support Groups will celebrate in 2013 the centenary of the 13th Dalai Lama's successful return to Tibet from exile and fervently hope for the return of 14th Dalai Lama to his homeland.

It says the TSGs will impress upon the Indian government to confer the Bharat Ratna - India's highest civilian award - on His Holiness the Dalai Lama in recognition of his great services to India and the humanity.

The TSGs will make efforts to arrange a meeting of the standing committee of Indian Parliament on foreign affairs with Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay, the democratically-elected political leader of the Tibetan people, it says.

It further says efforts will be made to organise an international conference to highlight the catastrophic impacts on south and south east Asia in view of the Chinese government's detrimental policies on Tibet's environment.

The TSGs resolve to expand its network in India through enhancing participation of women, youths, teachers and NGOs among their leadership at state and district levels. Efforts will be made to establish branch units of Students for Tibet and Teachers for Tibet.

fourth-all-india-tibet-support-groups-conference-2012-press-june-12-2012The TSGs will urge the Indian government to encourage the Chinese leadership to conduct meaningful dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration to bring a mutually-beneficial solution to the issue of Tibet.

They resolved to undertake nationwide campaign to impress upon the Indian government and other Asian countries to press the Chinese government to abandon its ecologically disastrous plans such as indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources and damming and diverting rivers originating from the Tibetan plateau.

They also resolved to raise moblilise awareness on the struggle of the Tibetan people in Indian schools, colleges and universities.

Addressing the closing session of the conference, Tibetan Parliament Speaker Penpa Tsering urged the Indian supporters to implement the action plans after they returned to their respective regions.

He also announced that the Tibetan Parliament would lead a month-long "Flame of Truth" event in Europe and North America. "The flame of truth will travel through different states of India and Tibetan settlements. We appeal to our Indian supporters to lend their support to the movement in working with coordination with the Tibetan settlements based in their respective localities," he said.

He urged the Tibet Support Groups to apprise the Indian parliamentarians from their respective regions about the Tibet issue and encourage them to join and strengthen the Parliamentary Group for Tibet in the Indian Parliament.

He also urged them to organise regular programmes for inviting Indian students to Dharamsala to know about the Tibetan struggle.

He said Mr Bashisht Narain Singh, a Rajya Sabha MP, who was present at the conference as the chief guest, has invited Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay to address members of Bihar legislative assembly.

Mr Bashisht Narain Singh, a long-time supporter of Tibetan cause, said the time has come to give new meaning and dynamism to TSGs movement on the issue of Tibet. "Steadfast efforts should be made through literature, peaceful demonstrations, debate, photography etc support Tibetans in their struggle for truth and justice. We will succeed if we sustain our firm determination and committment to fight in support of the Tibetan people," he said.

Another member of Indian parliament and steadfast supporter of Tibet, Mr Satya Prakash Malviya, in his address said the Indian government should review its policies on Tibet in view of the changing circumstances. He said India should urgently make strong representation to the Chinese government on its egregious human rights violations in Tibet.

(Read full English text of Action Plan of 4th All India Tibet Support Groups Conference)