International Parliamentarians call for solidarity with Tibet on June 20

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Dharamshala: An international group of parliamentarians have called for solidarity with Tibet, on June 20, 2012 as a means of highlighting the ongoing human rights abuses taking place within Tibet.

The International Network of Parliamentarians on Tibet (INPaT) issued a press release on June 8 urging lawmakers across the world to stand in solidarity with Tibet by observing the day in their respective parliaments.

The group have urged democratically elected members of parliament to ‘' [raise] points of order, [ask] questions in parliament'' and further, to use their democratic mandate by ‘' delivering speeches, making members statements [and] proposing motions with or without notice.'' In effect, shine a spotlight on Tibet's current political situation.

INPaT have also called on parliamentarians to wear the traditional Tibetan white scarf ‘Khatak' on the day as a sign of solidarity with the Tibetan cause, and to hold press conferences to further information and knowledge on the human rights violations taking place there which they hope will further the global reach of the initiative

The group see the ‘'Parliamentary Solidarity Day for Tibet'' as an opportunity for democratically elected parliamentarians to utilize their privileges and ‘'highlight the plight of the people of Tibet.

The call by INPaT takes place within a context of a deteriorating human rights situation in Tibet. In early June China closed Tibet's borders to the outside world and cracked down on dissidents following a spate of self-immolations in Lhasa and in particular in Amdo.

In light of these actions by the Chinese authorities, the network of parliamentarians in addition have called on respective governments to raise human rights concerns at the upcoming United Nations Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva on 18th of June, as part of the process of solidarity with Tibet.