US Calls On China To Hold Substantive Dialogue On Tibet

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tibet-china-2012Dharamshala: - The US government calls on China to hold substantive dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama or his representatives on the long-standing problems facing by the people of Tibet.

"We continue to encourage both sides to engage in a substantive discussion that will work to achieve concrete results," said US government annual ‘Report on Tibet Negotiations' released Wednesday, September 12, 2012.

In its annual ‘Report on Tibet Negotiations,' US government said: "In 2011, Chinese authorities continued to place the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan areas under increasingly intense and formalized systems of controls, many of which appeared to be aimed at facilitating enforcement of social stability and undermining the religious authority of the Dalai Lama.

"The US Government believes that the Dalai Lama or his representatives can be constructive partners for China as it deals with the challenge of overcoming continuing tensions in Tibetan areas. The Dalai Lama's views are widely reflected within the Tibetan society and command the respect of the vast majority of Tibetans.

"His consistent advocacy of non-violence is an important factor in reaching an eventual lasting solution. China's engagement with the Dalai Lama or his representatives to resolve problems facing Tibetans is in the interest of the Chinese government and the Tibetan people. Failure to address these problems will lead to greater tensions inside China and will be an impediment to China's social and economic development," the report noted.

"Promoting substantive dialogue between Beijing and The Dalai Lama or his representatives is an important U.S. foreign policy objective. We continue to encourage representatives of both Chinese government and the Dalai Lama to hold direct and substantive discussions aimed at resolving differences, without preconditions. Such a dialogue provides the best hope for alleviating tension in Tibetan areas and would contribute to then overall stability of China."

'We are very concerned that there have been no dialogue since early 2010 and that nine years of talks prior to that time have hot borne concrete results. In May 2011, the Dalai Lama ratified amendments to the "Charter of Tibetan in Exile" that devolve his political authority to an elected Tibetan leadership. A tenth round of dialogue that makes progress on questions related to Tibetans' livelihoods and welfare would be a positive step at this critical time, but prospects for the Chinese government to resume the dialogue appear dim, at least in the short term," the report also stated.

"In 2011, Chinese authorities continued to place the Tibetan Autonomous Region and other Tibetan areas under increasingly intense and formalized system of control, many of which appeared to be aimed at facilitating enforcement of "social stability" and undermining the religious authority f the Dalai Lama," the report said.

"Increasing official interference in Tibetan religious and cultural spheres provoked acts of resistance among the Tibetan population. These in turn led authorities to intensify to maintain control, thus creating a cycle of official repression and increasingly desperate acts by Tibetans, such as a series of self-immolations by Tibetan Buddhist clergy and laypersons in Tibetan areas."

"The Dalai Lama repeatedly has disclaimed any intention to seek sovereignty or independence for Tibet and said he seeks for China to preserve Tibetan culture and religion, and its fragile environment through genuine autonomy. We are consistently urge China to respect the distinct religious, linguistic, and cultural identity of its Tibetan people and to fully respect the human rights and civil liberties of all of its citizens," it further added.

The US report claimed that the "United States recognizes Tibet Autonomous Region and Tibetan autonomous prefectures and counties in other provinces as part" of the People's Republic of China." It also claimed that "the US government does not recognize Tibet as an independent state and so does not conduct official diplomatic relations with the Central Tibetan Administration, an organization based in Dharamsala, India.

"We maintain contact with a wide range of religious, cultural, political and other Tibet-related groups, including Tibetans in the United States, China, and around the world. US government officials also have met with the Dalai Lama in his capacity as an internationally revered religious, and cultural leader and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate."