His Holiness the Dalai Lama Visits Tibetan Settlements In Dehradun

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15 september 2012 002Dharamshala: His Holiness arrived at the capital city of Uttrakhand, Dehradun on September 13. Sakya Dagtri Rinpoche, representatives of the local Tibetan monasteries, Tibetan settlement officers and representatives of various other institutes and organisations were present at the airport to welcome him.

Several Tibetans lined the streets, as artists performed the auspicious Tashi Sholpa dance to welcome His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Dhondupling (Clement Town) Tibetan Settlement on the outskirts of the city.

He first visited the Mindrolling Labrang, where he offered special prayers for the late 11th Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche.

The Dalai Lama spent his first night, of his five day trip, at Mindrolling Monastery.

His first engagement, on September 14, was to visit the Drukpa Kagyu Tongmonling Monastery. Tibetans, staying close by, stood by the roadside to catch a glimpse of His Holiness as he passed.

From there he drove to Norling Park in the Dekyiling Tibetan Settlement, where he taught the first chapter of Nagarjuna's Precious Garland. His Holiness talked about the mind's contribution to happiness and how scientists are now tending to focus on the mind.

"Ancient Indian texts and traditions are a treasure trove of knowledge about the mind and its workings. Of all the Buddhist traditions in the world, Tibetan Buddhism seems to have the most thorough explanation of the mind, which makes it a good source." He stated that, "The important thing for us to know is how the mind works and how the emotions affect it; which ones disturb and which calm and assist the mind."

Turning to the Precious Garland, His Holiness explained that when he teaches in Dharamsala and elsewhere, he chooses texts found in the Tengyur,(the translated works of mostly Indian masters who came after the Buddha) as it is important to go back to the original sources.

After the teaching he went to lunch with Drikung Chetsang Rinpoche at the Songtsen Library. His Holiness then proceeded to the nearby Drikung Shedra or college. He appreciated all the monks and nuns for coming to "this place of study" and gave a brief talk.

From Drikung Shedra, he went to Ngoenga School for Children with Special Needs. The students of the school were already gathered in the temple with teachers, care givers and house parents. His Holiness took a seat, while the Principal presented his report. He was happy with the new ways the children were being looked after and inquired if there could be more technological developments. He especially expressed his appreciation to the organization for taking in not only Tibetans, but also children from Ladakh and elsewhere.

His Holiness then walked among the children and acknowledged them as he left. He then drove to the Drikung Jangchub Ling Monastery, where he spent the night.

On the morning of September 15, he visited Tashi Khyil Monastery where he completed the Precious Garland teaching and give an Avalokiteshvara empowerment.