Indian Students Received Educational Programme on Tibet

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indian-students-Tibet-2012New DelhiI: - An educational program on Tibet was organized jointly by New Delhi based India Tibet Coordination Office and Bal Bharati Public School on Friday, 23 November 2012.

New Delhi based India-Tibet Coordination Office has reported for The Tibet Post International that the topic of the talk was on "Present situation of Tibet and India Tibet relations". Around 150 students from class IX, X, XI and XII participated in the program as part of their activity and especially for Class IX and X this will be part of their examination which is conducted in January 2013.

Mr. Tenzin Lekshay, Media Coordinator, Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama was invited as a Guest Speaker to address the students. In his talk, he stated on four issues such as Historical Aspects, Modern Era, Present situation of Tibet and Why Tibet matters.

Historical: Tibet was an independent country prior to 1959 with powerful neighboring countries like Russia, India, China and Mongolia. During the 7th century under the kingdom on 33rd King Songtsen Ganpo, Buddhism was first introduced in Tibet and the whole of Tibet was unified. Tibetan language and script was also introduced from India.

During the reign of King Trisong Detsen, Buddhism flourished in Tibet from India. Indian masters and scholars were invited during his rule such as Master Shantarakshita & Guru Padmasambhava and so on. The reign of the three great kings; King Songtsen Ganpo, King Trisong Detsen and King Tri-Ralpachen,is also known as the Golden Era in the history of Tibet.

Modern Era: In the later history of Tibet,he spoke about Sakya's decline till the rise of the Dalai Lamas. He said the term 'Dalai' was a title conferred upon the Lama Sonam Gyatso, the second incarnation of Gedun Dupa by the Mongol ruler.

Since then the institution of Dalai Lama was the political and religious head of Tibetan people inside and outside Tibet. In the year 2011 His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama devolved all his political authority to newly elected political leader of the Tibetan People, Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay.

He talked on "Present situation inside Tibet" with reference to recent series of self-immolations which had reached the number to around 78. Tibetans in Tibet are discontented with the policy of China, which ultimately push them to take such desperate actions.

He even stated that Tibet is also considered the Third Pole, with the Chinese dumping of nuclear waste and damming, it had affected the Tibetan plateau resulting in disturbance to the whole of Asia. Tibet is a water source to almost whole of Asia and in particular India.

Finally he concluded that the Tibet issue is not an issue of Tibet alone, India has a huge role to play.

New Delhi based India-Tibet Coordination Office distributed Tibet related publications to the students. A film screening and a Photo Exhibition on Tibet was also held at the event.