Dharamshala—Emerging sources say that armed Chinese police in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, have cracked down over 500 Tibetan students who were demonstrating peacefully in the school; over 20 students were beaten to death; of them, two were killed on the spot by police using truncheons; several of them were trampled to death as they tried to escape police pursuit; and four students jumped from a building to protest the closure of the school.

The so-called "Religious work conference" was held in Lhasa, Capital of Tibet, on April 8, 2022. Photo: WeChat

Dharamshala — China has conducted major crackdowns on religious freedom in all parts of Tibet, continued over the years, and 269 Tibetan people were placed under investigation for allegedly involving in so-called "illegal spiritual practices", and those arrested may face prison terms ranging from 5 to 17 years.

Chinese authorities from WeChat indiscriminately took down a Tibetan-language blog, The Great Sheepfold (Lugtsang Palyon), on April 2, 2024. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala –Chinese authorities from WeChat company have indiscriminately shut down the "Great Sheep-fold," a popular blog in the Tibetan language on WeChat, which contained over 10,000 pieces directly related to the cultural heritage and humanistic literature of Tibet.

Dharamshala — Chinese authorities arrested a Tibetan monk from Kirti monastery in eastern Tibet, who protested against the Chinese government's oppressive policy in Tibet and called for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and for religious freedom in Tibet. He disappeared after his arrest.

Dharamshala – Chinese authorities arrested a well-educated young Tibetan monk and writer from Nyakchu County, in eastern Tibet, in September 2023 for possessing a photo of Tibet's spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and several e-books in his phone. His 53-year-old mother is very worried about him and her health is deteriorating; she has been admitted to hospital.

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