Dharamshala — Chinese Ministry of Education announces heavy penalties for individuals and organisations providing private tuition to pre-school children and primary and secondary school students. These measures will come into force on October 15, 2023. The Chinese government has once again tightened restrictions on freedom of education and individual freedom.

Dharamshala, India — The Chinese government is once again reinforcing the Sinicization of religions and the control of religious activities in a new law that will come into force on September 1, 2023. The new law stipulates that "places of religious activity should uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era".

Dharamshala, India – The Chinese authorities intensified their efforts to inculcate "Chinese communist ideology" into Tibetan children in a model kindergarten in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. The kindergarten, which caters for children under the age of five, is said to have been designed to ensure that the concept of "Chinese communist ideology" is " penetrated into the blood and souls of children".

Lhasa, Tibet – Chinese authorities in occupied Tibet tighten their control over Tibetans, banning not only officials but also ordinary Tibetans from visiting monasteries during the Tibetan holy month, Saga Dawa festival. However, the Chinese authorities have allowed an increasing number of Chinese tourists to visit these monasteries, in violation of religious freedom.

Dharamshala – With the frequent occurrence of self-immolations and protests in Tibet, a department of the Chinese Communist Party conducted research into the causes of these and other developments in Tibetan areas. The report stated, “Majority of the instability in Tibet is the result of people's opposition to the improper and corrupt practices of the cadres, which has nothing to do with political issues. The authorities, however, blamed the "Dalai clique" for the incident after the problem was revealed.

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