Dharamshala — More than 1400 Monpas from Arunach Pradesh, including Chief Minister Pema Khandu, celebrated His Holiness' 90th birthday according to the Tibetan lunar calendar in Dharamshala on Saturday. Sikyong Penpa Tsering, Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, Ling Rinpoche and other distinguished guests attended the celebration.
Over 1400 Monpas offer long Life Prayers to His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Dharamshala — His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama attended a Long Life Prayer offered to him by the Monpa Community of Arunachal Pradesh at the Main Tibetan Temple on Saturday and His Holiness said, "this Long-Life Ceremony has been organized by the Mönpas. These were the people who came to greet me and showed deep respect, when I left Tibet many of them touching their heads to my feet. Mönyul is where I entered India and, as I say, I was very moved by the devotion of the people."
His Eminence the Karmapa meets His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Zurich — His Eminence the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, head of the Karma Kagyud tradition, met His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in Zurich on August 25, 2024. Karmapa Rinpoche urged him to rest more and His Holiness indicated that he would live to the age of 110. Tibetans were thrilled to see their most beloved lamas reunited after seven years, and social media circulated photos of them together.
2024 Lhakar Awards present to Dege Tibetans in Tibet and Tibetan activists in exile
New York — Students for a Free Tibet presented the 2024 Lhakar Award for Resistance to the peaceful Tibetan protesters of Dege, for their resistance to the Chinese authorities' construction of a mega-dam in their place, the 2024 Lhakar Award for Dedication, awarded to Tibetan activist Thupten Chonyi for his long-standing efforts in support of Tibetan freedom, and the 2024 Lhakar Award to Tsela Zoksang, for her brave activism in support of Tibet, particularly during Chinese President Xi's visit to the United States and France this year.
We should cultivate kindness and good heart to have meaningful life: His Holiness
Zurich — The Tibetan Community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein offered a long life prayer to His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Zurich, Switzerland, on Sunday and His Holiness said, "We have found this precious human life, and we should cultivate kindness and a good heart to make our lives meaningful. The awakening mind of bodhichitta brings us peace of mind and subdues our destructive emotions. It creates a restful state of mind."
Tibetan culture can be of benefit to the whole of humanity: His Holiness the Dalai Lama
New York — The Tibetan, Mongolian and Himalayan communities of North America offered a long life prayer to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Thursday, in New York and His Holiness addressed a strong crowd of 17,000, saying," Here we have Tibetans from all three regions of Tibet demonstrating how we are united. Tibetan culture can be of benefit to the whole of humanity. The Buddha, Shakyamuni, became enlightened and gave teachings that have been preserved in Tibet and the Himalayan region. These teachings are profound and deeply valuable."
US officials meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama, discuss China's human rights abuses in Tibet
New York — US Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues Uzra Zeya, Special Assistant to the President and National Security Council Senior Director for Democracy and Human Rights Kelly Razzouk, travelled to New York to meet with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet and discussed China's human rights abuses in Tibet and reaffirmed the United States' commitment to promoting the human rights of Tibetans in Tibet.