Bharat-Tibet Sahayog Manch condemns China's expansionist policy

Participants of the BTSM National Council Meeting with dignitaries and guests on August 4, 2024. (Photo: file)

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New Delhi — Bharat-Tibet Sahayog Manch National Council held a momentous meeting in Sonipat, Haryana and they adopted five-point resolution, condemning China's actions aimed at eliminating Tibetan identity through a systematic campaign of Sinicisation, China's interference in the selection of the next Dalai Lama and China's expansionist policies.

The Bharat-Tibet Sahayog Manch (BTSM) National Council held the meeting at the Seva Sadhna and Gram Vikas Kendra in Samalkha, Sonipat, Haryana, on August 3 to 4, 2024. A total 267 members from 24 Indian states participated in the meething.

Kalon (Minister) Dolma Gyari, Department of Security, Central Tibet Administration (CTA), attended the event as chief guest and other special guests and guest are Dr. K. C. Agnihotri (Patron of BTSM), Shri Harjit Singh Grewal (National Working President of BTSM), Swami Deivyanand Maharaj (National Vice-President), Shri Pankaj Goyal (National General Secretary of BTSM), Shri R.K. Khrimay (Convener of the Core Group for Tibetan Cause-India (CGTC-I) ) and Shri Pratap Chandra (RSS Haryana Prant Karywah) and Shri Indresh Kumar Ji, Patron of Bharat Tibbat Sahyog Manch (BTSM).

Shri Pankaj Goyal and Shri Indresh Kumar recognising the importance of spreading the Dalai Lama's message of compassion throughout the world, the BTSM has declared the year 2025 Karuna Varsh (year of compassion), to celebrate the 90th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The BTSM is committed to forming a committee to organise events aimed at spreading the main messages of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, which are peace, non-violence, brotherhood and love.

When talking about the ongoing sinicisation efforts in Tibet, such as the recent closure of the renounced Ragya Gangjong Sherig Norbul school in Golog, Shri Indresh Kumar ji said, "What kind of humanity is there in China eradicating the Tibetan identity from Tibet, except for a few thousand of them in the rest of the world". The BTSM therefore condemned China's actions aimed at eliminating the Tibetan race through a systematic campaign of Sinicisation. The BTSM firmly believes that China is engaged in a conspiracy to eradicate Tibetan culture and identity.

The BTSM also strongly condemned China's efforts to impose its own method of selecting the next Dalai Lama, and called on India and the world to respect the declaration on the selection of the current Dalai Lama.

Kalon Dolma Gyari, condemned China's aggressive policies in Tibet and highlighted its expansionist policies. She called for global recognition and collective action against these destructive policies, underlining the urgency and gravity of the situation. She also provided a detailed account of the historical and ongoing injustices faced by Tibetans under Chinese rule, urging a firm and united international response.

The resolutions adopted at the meeting reflect the BTSM's firm commitment to supporting the Tibetan cause, preserving cultural identity and countering Chinese expansionist policies by mobilising national and global support to implement the BTSM's objectives to ensure the preservation of peace, non-violence and cultural integrity.