Economy Buys the Value of Human Rights and Tibet

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16july201012Dharamshala: It's a fact that, today, the developed nations are far more advanced technologically and economically than in previous centuries, and their citizens lead a "better life". But it does not mean that Human Rights are better protected in this new century. An honest examination shows that the Chinese economy determines or buys the value of ‘Western’ Human Rights and democracy, particularly when it comes to the most vulnerable aspects of our world.

Take the genocide of the culture and language of the Tibetan people. It’s difficult for a person without freedom to preserve ancient values and live in genuine social harmony. Tibetans today face not only the onslaught of Chinese culture and language, but they are caught in a complex game between China and its Western counterparts. A dirty war is being played out between the shadow economy and Human Rights, the latter being able to author Human Rights abuses.

Why are the economy and Human Rights treated differently, by the West, in the ‘special case’ of Tibet? The United Nations made an attempt to put Human Rights into a broader context, through decades of first-hand experience with Tibetan refugees worldwide. The Europeans and Africans Unions treat the Tibetan similarly, even as they play their economy games with China.

Rather than simply killing the whole populations of prisoners from all parts of Tibet, the armed Chinese paramilitary forces are carrying out programs of torture. Torture can be either physical or psychological, and it aims at the "humiliation or annihilation of the dignity of a person." Physical torture might include mutilation, beatings, and electric shocks to lips, gums, and genitals. In psychological torture, detainees are occasionally deprived of food and water for long periods, kept standing upright for hours, deprived of sleep, or tormented by high-level noise.

China is forcing Tibetan political prisoners to admit to being ‘extremists’, ‘separatists’ or ‘spies of Western imperialism’, all of which amounts to treason. Torture is used also as a means to carry out interrogations and extract confessions or information. Today in Tibet, torture is increasingly used as a means of suppressing political and ideological dissent, or for punishing political opponents who do not share their ideology, sympathise with Tibetan independence or have communication with exiled Tibetans.

Tibetans made an urgent appeal to the world for more freedom of conscience and against cultural and language extinction in Tibet. The world needs a comprehensive definition of "Universal Human Rights", which should include the right to religion and culture for all citizens on earth, the right to be free from ‘values’ created by speculators, the right to protection of population and control of their land, and the right to protect their traditional way of life.

Why does the world treat Human Rights differently from the economy in industrialised China? Of late it's been my experience that, everyone seems to be concerned about suffering in Tibet or Sudan. But when the Western world sees a great chance and exchange between its economy and the Tibetan people, and witnesses Chinese human rights violations with disgust – they then fail to act. China has killed over 1.3 million Tibetans and over 150,000 have been forced to leave their country, including their spiritual leader. Why do western nations treat the last and largest communist regime, China, as though it were unworthy of their dignity and the values of mankind?

The Western countries achieve a healthy economy and China practices the worst Human Rights violations in the history of mankind. We say media is a strong tool for democracy, and this took form when China suppressed the uprising in Tibet in 2008, taking more than 224 lives. But the western government failed to react to these Human Rights violations. I wonder if they have a heart that shows the same compassion and solidarity towards Tibetans.

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