26 days of hunger strike for Tibet: TYC still waiting for UN response

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Tibet-TYC-Hunger-Strike-2015-DelhiNew Delhi — After the hospitalization of one hunger striker, Indian support has poured in for the other two resiliently carrying the strike forward. Tsewang Dolma was taken by police and hospitalized on the night of September 21st, Tamding Hrichoe and Tenzin Wangchuk continue to carry the hunger strike forward. The hunger strike was initiated on September 10th by Tibetan Youth Congress and now enters into its 26th day.

On September 29th Union Minister for Women and Child Development, Smt Menka Sanjay Gandhi received a delegation from TYC at her office and responded with a letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon, stating, "I strongly believe that the United Nations and its member States must act immediately and hold China responsible for their actions in Tibet."

The Hunger Strike site, hosted in a tent at the Jantar Mantar has been witness to a constant flow of visitors and quite often visited by long time Tibet supporters, Indian leaders and members of Parliament. The leaders not only issued support letters to hunger strikers but gave the assurance that they would raise Tibet issue during the winter session of the parliament. Several Indian Members of Parliament officially received TYC delegates at their offices and gave their support.

Students Unions of the two of the most powerful political parties' students wings National Students Union of India and Akhyil Bharatiya Vidhyarti Parishad came forward most strongly in support of the demands made by the hunger strike. Members of Indian Youth Congress also visited the hunger strikers.

Other groups that have come forward with support for the hunger strike and Tibet include the Gandhi Peace Foundation, Radha Bhatt, Bharat Tibet Sahyog Manch, Himalayan Parivar and All India Core Group for Tibet, and Arya Samaj in addition to independent supporters as well.

The support from Indian leaders and social activists for Tibetan Youth Congress's Indefinite Hunger Strike campaign urging the United Nations for an Immediate Intervention in Tibet has been absolutely inspiring says TYC President Tenzing Jigme. "Leaders from various different political parties, Ngo's, youth wings and social activists have all come out very strongly in support and in solidarity with the hunger strikers and the campaign - this goes to show that the issue of Tibet is not an forgotten one – there is great support for the Tibetan cause and that we must keep the struggle going until Tibet is Free", added Jigme.

Kalon Dickyi Chhoyang on behalf of Dr Lobsang Sangay, the political ledaser of the Central Tibetan Administration visited the two Tibetan hunker strikers on Tuesday, to to show solidarity.

TYC President and Secretary had a meeting with MP Sashi Tharoor who showed solidarity with the hunger strikers. Ther group said Monday that the two hunger strikers, Tamdin Hrichoe has lost about 17kgs and Tezin Wangchuk about 16kgs after more than 600 hours of Indefinite Hunger Strike for Tibet without food.

Continuing without hesitation to show irresponsible behaviour, UN Chief Ban Ki-moon welcomed Xi Jinping's first visit to the UN since assuming the office as Chinese President. He said that the "Zun of Peace represents the common value."

Xi Jinping claimed that the so called "Zun of Peace" is presented by the Chinese government as a gift to the UN. Without addressing the case of jailed Nobel Peace prize winner Liu Xiaobo, Xi says the gift "expresses the aspiration of China and its people to promote peace."

Ban Ki-moon chose to accepted the giant gift from Mr Xi, the current President of the PRC, founded by Mao Zedong who was responsible for massacres of 50–75 million people, including 1.2 million Tibetans, instead of breaking the silence of human rights situation in Tibet.

Rights groups around the world recently criticized the UN Chief for not raising Human Rights issues in China, Tibet and Eastern Turkestan with President of the PRC, one of the world's worst human rights violators recent week — some linked the silence to his personal ambition.