Allow fact-finding mission to Tibet: Tibetan Parliament to China

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Dharamshala: - The Dharamshala, India based Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile said it has urged the Chinese government to allow its delegation to visit Tibet for a fact-finding mission.

"Keeping in view the deteriorating situation inside Tibet, we have sent an appeal letter addressed to Chinese President Xi Jinping on 19 June 2014, through the Chinese embassy in New Delhi asking for a Tibetan Parliamentary delegation to visit Tibet for a fact-finding mission "the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile said in a press statement issued on Friday, 11 July, 2014.

"We have also urged the new leaders of China for an immediate resumption of the bi-lateral dialogue between Tibetan representatives and Chinese officials to resolve the Tibet issue," it said, adding "So far, we haven't received any response. Therefore, we are issuing this press release today to make a fresh request to the Chinese president for access inside Tibet."

The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile have launched various lobbying campaigns and solidarity marches across the world to highlight the grave situation prevailing inside Tibet. It has also conducted various peaceful protests to draw attention towards the atrocities of the Chinese government in Tibet.

" Our continued efforts have failed to elicit any favourable response from the Chinese government. Instead of addressing the grievances of the Tibetan people, the Chinese government have intensified their clampdown and propaganda. Therefore, the standing committee of the Tibetan Parliament decided to send this appeal letter to the Chinese president, to resume the stalled dialogue process and allow a fact-finding mission to Tibet," the press release noted.

This appeal letter by the Tibetan Parliament comes against the backdrop of the tragic situation prevailing inside Tibet. Over 130 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in Tibet since 2009 calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and freedom for Tibetans.