Tibetan Youth Congress urges Prime Minister Modi to talk Tibet

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Tibet-TYC-PM-Modi-2014Dharamshala: - The Dharamshala based Tibetan Youth Congress the largest Tibetan Youth organization and NGO in exile Congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party on recent elections victory.

"The success of their victory serves as an example to the world that when democratic rights are exercised to its fullest then history can be made. We look forward to the coming years and believe that under the current leadership India will grow and progress - and at the same time we also understand that you will always be a champion for freedom, human rights and justice," Tenzing Jigme, TYC President said in a statement issued on June 4, 2014.

The statement said that "TYC is pleased to hear about Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's upcoming visit to India. While we acknowledge that the visit will mainly consist of talks in regards to the overall benefits of the two nations, we urge you to speak to your Chinese counterpart on the issue of Tibet. The situation inside Tibet remains critical and perhaps one could even claim that the current crisis therein is the most volatile it has been since China's occupation of Tibet."

"Since the illegal occupation of Tibet in 1959, over 1.2 million Tibetans have died. Reports have confirmed 131 Tibetans self-immolated since February 27, 2009. These ultimate sacrifices by Tibetans inside Tibet are conscious decisions made with unwavering determinations solely dedicated towards a nation's independence and for its people's freedom. The Chinese government must understand the gravity of the situation in Tibet and fear the potential magnitude that it represents, rather than foolishly viewing it as enthusiastic trends that can easily be subdued by enforcing more violent and draconian policies," Jigme further added.

The exile group said that "the world cannot continue the blunders of remaining blindly dependent on the Chinese government's misrepresentation of the Tibetan independence movement shamelessly framed as ethnic conflict or simply reduced as a struggle for religious freedom. So long as China continues to illegally occupy Tibet, the indefinable oppression of the Tibetan people will only continue; and so will continue Tibetan's demand for independence."

India has been more than a good friend to Tibetans. India is host to the largest number of Tibetans in exile and home to our beloved leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama. We remain forever grateful to this great nation for the kindness and support it has shown to the Tibetan people. TYC President states, "as we forge our movement forward we are constantly reminded of the struggle and the determination of the Indian freedom fighters who got rid of the British occupation while remaining steadfastly committed to the principles of ahimsa and non-violence".

Today, TYC urges Prime Minister Modi to help bring about immediate and positive change for Tibet as well as India. We believe that a lasting peace and security for India lies only in a free Tibet. A Tibet without China's military presence is the only assurance you can have of an India free from constant Chinese incursions as well as ludicrous claims on the borders. TYC delivered a memorandum to PM Modi today in Delhi, urging him to raise the issue of Tibet when he meets Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi next week.