Tibetans join the 23rd the Tiananmen massacre anniversary

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China-Tibet-Tank-Man-2014Dharamshala: - Tibetans in exile and supporters join global solidarity campaign to remember the the 25th anniversary of the bloody crackdown on the Tiananmen that shocked the world.

'June 4 marks the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre. 25 years ago Chinese Government rolled tanks into the Tiananmen Square, bringing a violent end to the peaceful, student-led democracy movement and killing hundreds of innocent citizens who fought for democracy and political reform,' event organisers said in a joint statement.

Students for a Free Tibet-India and Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Dharamshala joined the global solidarity campaign to pay homage to the victims of the massacre who sacrificed their lives for freedom and democracy in China. The campaign also called for the release of prominent Chinese democracy activist Liu Xiabo, human rights activist Ilham Tohti and Southern Mongolia freedom movement activist Hada.

The event took place at the TCV Day school in Mcloed Ganj with photo exhibition of the Tiananmen Democracy movement and the subsequent crackdown by the Chinese Communist Regime.

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader and a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, issued a statement on the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre with prayers for "those who died for freedom, democracy and human rights" and urged China to "join the mainstream of global democracy." The statement was read to public in the beginning of event.

Leaders of various organisations and the Tibetan movement participated at the event and expressed their solidarity.

"Like Tibetans, Chinese have been suffering a similar fate of repression under the Chinese regime. This regime has been making every possible efforts to conceal the truth from the public and the world", said Nyima Yangtso, Vice President of the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Dharamshala. "We call upon world government to uphold truth and pressure China in bringing justice to the Tiananmen Victims and protect Human Rights and freedom"

"The Tiananmen massacre in 1989 is a dark side of the Chinese history where hundreds of innocent students who called for Democracy and freedom in China were mercilessly killed by tanks and machine guns," said Tenzin Tselha, Grassroots Director of Students for a Free Tibet-India. "We stand in solidarity with chinese brothers and sisters who continue to fight for their freedom despite 25 years of suffering and harsh repression by the CCP regime"

Miss Dhadon Sharling - Member of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, Tenzin Jigme - President of the Tibetan Youth Congress, Lukar Jam - Executive member of the Gu Chu Sum Movement of Tibet and Dorjee Tseten - Students for a Free Tibet Asia Director addressed the audience on the significance of the event. Photo action and screening of the documentary 'The Tank Man' followed the talk.

Organisers also said the 'signed petitions and messages will be delivered to the Chinese embassy in Delhi.'