Parliament passes resolution, highlights urgent situation in Tibet

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TPiE-resolution-Tibet-2014Dharamshala, 14 March, 2014: - The 15th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile which is holding its budget session for the year 2014-2015 has unanimously passed a resolution to express solidarity with the Tibetans inside Tibet, including family of those who set themselves on fire for the cause of Tibet.

The resolution praised the indomitable courage and determination of all those Tibetans who are suffering under the repressive rule of the Chinese government.

After its invasion of Tibet, it said 'the Chinese government has made numerous efforts to mislead the world to paint a rosy picture of having "liberated a million Tibetan serfs from exploitation by the landlords". In fact, it has turned Tibet into a colonial dominion and continues to impose a series of extremely brutal and hardline policies of political repression, ethnic and economic discrimination, and immeasurable destruction of religion, culture and environment of Tibet.'

"As a result, unprecedented large-scale protests by tens of thousands of Tibetans broke out across the three traditional provinces of Tibet on 10 March 2008. Moreover, since the beginning of 2009 until the sixth session of the 15th Tibetan Parliament last year – over 120 Tibetan men and women with indomitable spirit and courage and as a highest form of non-violent protest against the hardline policies of the Chinese government, and for the freedom of Tibetan people – sacrificed their lives by setting themselves on fire," said resolution.

"Another 6 Tibetans have self-immolated since then. However, instead of carrying out an impartial investigation into the causes of the Tibetan grievances and implement a policy of seeking truth from facts based on the ground realities in Tibet, the Chinese government continued its ruthless policy of deceiving people with every possible monetary temptation on the one hand and with military repression on the other,' the resolution said, adding 'such actions are backward and out of step with the reality of today's world in every respect.'

"According to the available facts, in the past six months the Chinese government has arbitrarily arrested and detained many Tibetans in Driru, Drakgo, Dzamthang and Sog counties on false charges. It is difficult to confirm actual statistics on the actual number of arrest, torture and death of Tibetans, or even whether they are dead or alive," it stated.

"The total number of Tibetans detained or jailed for carrying out political activities today stands at 920," it said, citing a report by the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy.

'In exile, the Central Tibetan Administration, organisations and individuals continue to carry out numerous activities to show their support and solidarity with the selfless acts of Tibetans inside Tibet. Since the 14th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, series of motions of condolence and solidarity have been passed,' it said.

"At the international level, many governments have passed resolutions, issued proclamations and statements expressing their grave concern about the situation in Tibet and urged the Chinese government to end its repressive policies in Tibet," it stated, adding that 'these governments have also called on the Chinese government to engage in dialogue with the representatives of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to resolve the Sino-Tibet issue.'

The Parliament has passed the following motion of solidarity in view of the worsening and urgent situation in Tibet.

1. While commending the spirit and courage of all the brave men and women of Tibet who have set themselves on fire, their family members and those who are undergoing suffering for the cause of Tibet, hereby also expresses its solidarity.

2. Firmly reiterates its appeal to the Chinese government that it must end its hardline policies in Tibet and address the aspirations of Tibetans inside and outside Tibet for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and freedom and human rights for Tibetans, and immediately commence dialogue to resolve the issue of Tibet.

3. Expresses gratitude to the Governments and Parliaments of the world for passing resolutions of support and concern over the critical situation inside Tibet; and the Tibet Support Groups, Non Governmental Organisations, Chinese democratic activists and individual supporters for their support through various non-violent campaigns. It further appeals for more support to resolve the issue of Tibet in general and the ongoing urgent problems inside Tibet in particular. It urges the members of the UN Human Rights Council to convene an urgent session on the issue of Tibet and send fact-finding missions to assess the urgent situation inside Tibet.