China: Stop shooting Tibetans in Driru County, Eastern Tibet

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Tibet-India-China-2013Dharamshala - In light of the recent deadly crackdown by the Chinese armed forces on Tibetans living in Kham Driru, Tibet, Regional Tibetan Youth Congress-Dharamshala and Students for a Free Tibet-India network organized a solidarity march by raising hundreds of Tibetan Flag in the street of Mcleod Ganj, Dharamshala.

On October 6th, Chinese forces opened fire on a group of Tibetans in Tibet. At least 60 people were injured and two are in critical condition. The group was peacefully protesting the arrest of a Tibetan man who refused to fly the Chinese flag on his home to mark China's National Day on October 1st.

China's crackdown in Driru is escalating and residents are being forced to attend government propaganda meetings against their will. Just last month, an elderly Tibetan man was brutally beaten after he called for Tibet's independence. Now Tibetans are being shot for joining a peaceful demonstration and Chinese forces have flooded the area.

Nyima Yangtso, Vice President of the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Dharamshala said, " The very denial to raise China's flag by the Tibetan people in Tibet highlight the height of resistance of our people. We stand here today in solidarity with our people who have been resisting China's illegal occupation of Tibet for over 50 years."

"We condemn China's shooting of innocent Tibetans in Driru and call for the immediate withdrawal of troops and the release of all those detained. China's recent order that Tibetans must fly the Chinese flag is part of a propaganda campaign in Tibet, which according to Tibetans is no less different to the days of the Cultural Revolution.

Tibetans want the freedom to fly their own flag and will continue to resist until Tibet is free," said Dorjee Tseten, Asia Director of Students for a Free Tibet. "It is now the responsibility of international government to make China accountable for the gross Human Rights violations in Tibet. The world must act and take the opportunity to highlight China's crime in Tibet in the upcoming China's Universal periodic Review on 22 October in the UN".

Solidarity campaigns have been planed across the world by various networks of Students for a Free Tibet and Tibet groups. Protests outside Chinese embassies and public areas will be organized to highlight the crisis in Driru.

An urgent online petition have been launched directed to China's security chief Meng Jianzhu and Tibet Autonomous Region head Chen Quanguo, calling on them to order an end to the violence in Driru by Students for a Free Tibet. Please visit petition link.