China destroying religion and culture of Tibet illegally

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Tibet-SpeakerDharamshala: - The 53rd anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day celebrated by Tibetans living in exile across the world, the Tibetan parliament in-exile on Monday. August 3, said "His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration have strifed for genuine autonomy for all Tibetans as per the provisions contained in the PRC constitution and autonomy law, which clearly spell out the right to regional ethnic autonomy."

Addressing the crowd gathering during an event commemorating the 53rd anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day, Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament Mr Penpa Tsering said, "it breaches the Chinese constitution clearly exposes the insincerity, hypocrisy and true face of Chinese communist autocrats who are illegally destroying Tibetan race, religion and culture. No prove is given which would suggest the breach of the PRC constitution."

Tsering said the "CTA has repeatedly explained to the Chinese government the essence of the mutually beneficial Middle Way Policy, which is based upon the coexistence of the two communities within the framework of PRC constitution and the entitlement of equal rights and prerogatives to the Tibetan people as is enjoyed by the other national minorities. However, the Chinese leaders have not only interpreted this incorrectly as breaching the constitution, the Tibetan people's aspiration is intentionally misinterpreted as secessionist. This kind of publicity is a total disregard to all and opposed to the truth; a misrepresentation of reality and a shameless version of astonishing proportions."

Tsering said that "under the so-called policy of helping Tibetan monks, nuns and monasteries, the Chinese government has been forcing the monasteries to fly the Chinese National flag, display portraits of Chinese leaders and purposely carries out activities such as the resented 'patriotic education', purposely setting up of radio and television connections, in the monasteries for which are a source of disturbance to religious studies and meditation."

"For example, a total number of 6575 Chinese cadres have been stationed in 1787 monasteries in the so-called Tibet Autonomous Region alone. These cadres are used for the political objectives of the Chinese government. Such acts must be stopped and reforms must be carried out," he added.

Offering gratitude to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama for his efforts to transform Tibetan society into a democracy, the speaker said "fifty-three years ago, on this day the 2nd September in 1960, the Tibetan democratic system formally came into existence with the first directly elected representatives taking oath of office in accordance with the advice and wishes of Tibetan people's supreme leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who believed that Tibet should follow the democratic system which was congruent with the general trend of the modern world."

"More than 54 years have elapsed since the whole of Tibet was forcibly occupied by Communist China. During these years China has used various devious and coercive methods to completely destroy the Tibetan identity, religion, culture, language, custom, etc with the evil design of transforming Tibet into a Chinese land. Tibetan people are oppressed and discriminated. Tibet's environment is being destroyed in every respect," he said.

"Through various campaigns against the authorities," Tsering said because op the Chinese "repressive policies, so far, 120 Tibetan men and women have self-immolated themselves as a peaceful protest from 2009 till date, thus giving rise to the urgent situation. The Chinese government has not shown any understanding of its responsibility of probing into the demands and aspirations of the self-immolators."

The parliament has strongly condemned the human treatment of the innocent relatives of Tibetans who set themselves ablaze to protest against Chinese rule. "The Chinese government has humiliated the self-immolators; falsely implicated His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the CTA for instigating them; attempted to conceal incidents of self-immolation from leaking out; imposed severe restriction in towns and monasteries which are the main sites of self-immolation; innocent relatives are accused, arrested and imprisoned; and are accused of murder for which some are even given death sentences. Such mistreatment and torture continues to be perpetrated. Therefore, contrary to respecting and maintaining the human rights of the Tibetan people, the Chinese government continues to carry out actions, totally disregarding all the appeals made by nations, leaders and organizations who value democracy, freedom, truth and justice."

"Since 1 July this year, an exhibition distorting the history of former resident Amban or Chinese Representative in Tibet has been on display, thus spreading lies to the domestic and international tourists and visitors. Likewise, the so-called 'genuine background drama Wenchen-Kunjo has been performed in Lhasa beginning 1st August of this year. This is a performance aimed at political necessity to indoctrinate and distort history. Therefore, people of the world including Tibetans and Chinese must be careful not to fall a prey to such deceit and enticement," Tsering added.

"The "unbearable critical situation and problems faced by Tibetans inside Tibet, literally making days and nights extremely difficult to pass is caused, firstly, by the lack of democratic system in Tibet and China till date, and secondly, by the few hardline Chinese leaders," he said.

Tsering on behalf of the people of Tibet and his Parliament in exile thanked Indian people and government for sheltering thousands of exiled Tibetans who have been forced to flee their homeland Tibet over the 50 years. he said "remembering and cherishing forever the kindness and seizing the opportunity provided by this auspicious occasion, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to both the people and government of India, and to the global leaders, nations, Tibet Support Groups as well as individuals who have been steadfastly supporting Tibet."

The Speaker of the Parliament has also appealed "all the Tibetan people in exile to develop and maintain strong friendly relations with the people of host nations, thereby contributing to the Tibetan people's reputation, dignity and security."

Dr Sangay has presented the annual ‘Gaden Phodrang Students Award’ to nine Tibetan students who topped in their respective streams in the 2013 All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations for excellence in academics, while felicitating the new Sikyong scholarship award to two Ph.D students.

Several new books on Tibet in different languages were launched by the top officials during the celebration. One of the books that focuses on the 50 years of Tibetan democracy in exile was launched by Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay. "To me, it's a great honor and I'm very flattered," said Prof Su Chia Hung, the Taiwanese author who came from a far away to witness the 53rd Tibetan anniversary.

To conclude the celebration events, the artistes from the TIPA and student groups from different Tibetan schools in Dharamshala presented colorful cultural performances on the occasion.