Former Kalon Tripa of Tibet graces 13th annual FTCI in South

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Tibet-conference-2013Bylakuppe: - The 13th Annual Conference of 15 Tibetan co-operatives graced by Prof Samdhong Rinpoche, the former Kalon Tripa of Tibet on Tuesady, August 20, at Lugsam Co-operative’s community hall in Bylakuppe, South India. The three-day conference was organized by Federation of Tibetan Co-operatives (FTCI) in India Ltd and co-ordinated by Lugsam co-operative society.

Kalon Tripa Prof Samdhong Rinpoche was the Chief Guest for inaugural function. Member of Tibetan Parliament in exile, Mr Jigmey Jugney and Mr Lobsang Yeshi, Settlement Officers of Lugsam and TDL settlement, representatives of various organisations and monasteries and camp leaders were present as a guest," said a statement released by FTCI.

The function began with lighting of butter lamp by the Chief Guest and rendition of Tibetan and Indian national anthem. A minute long silence was then observed to pay respect to martyrs who self-immolated for the cause of Tibet.

Mr Tashi Wangdu, FTCI CEO welcomed the guests and participants of the conference and presented a brief report on Tibetan co-operatives and FTCI. He gave comprehensive information on how activities currently undertaken by FTCI and member cooperative societies benefit the members. His talk also covered on upcoming projects of FTCI.

Mr Pema Delek, FTCI Chairman began his address by talking about evolution of co-operative movement in Tibetan community in exile. He then highlighted the improvement made by Tibetan co-operatives in terms of profitability, management and service to members as compared to earlier. He said that like local Indian farmers, members of Tibetan co-operatives in Karnataka has been getting agriculture loan, interest subsidy and drought relief.

Chief Guest Prof Samdhong Rinpoche presented 2013 Tibetan Entrepreneur of the Year Award to Mr. Dorjee Palden, Scrap dealer from Mundgod Tibetan Settlement. He also launched the first annual Nyamdel Newsletter in Tibetan version and honored Dharamsala co-operative society for completing 50 years of community service (1963-2013).

Following the presentation of the Best Secretary Award to Mr Kelsang Gyatso, Secretary of Mainpat Tibetan Co-operative Society, FTCI Chairman and special guests picked 10 lucky student’s name from the box for Nyamdel Scholarship.

Rinpoche in his address emphasised on importance of active participation of members in co-operative management, distribution of profit to members and operation of co-operative activities as per the state and central co-operative societies acts. He further added that co-operative must be aware of  amendment made by the government with regard to co-operative’s acts and bye-law from time to time without delay.

Rinpoche then said that he was glad to hear about support and help provided to poor and needy Tibetans by co-operatives and appreciated Lugsam co-operative for constructing community hall in a very aesthetic manner without any foreign donation. He went on to say Tibetan co-operative can help to contribute in achieving present Kashag’s principle of Self-reliance.

At the end of his speech, Rinpoche expressed  that “May be under the management and guidance of FTCI, Tibetan co-operatives has potential, opportunity and facility to saw a seed that will contribute tremendously in building a sustainable economy of the future Tibet." He also said Tibetan co-operatives certainly help to lead and guide Tibetan community in exile in the field of education, culture, religion, health and so on.

The participants for annual conference include Chairman and Secretary of 15 co-operatives, Managers and staff of FTCI, Board of Directors of Lugsam, Delar and Hunsur cooperative societies.