Exile parliament vows to fulfil aspirations of Tibetans inside Tibet

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TPIE-session-5-2013Dharamshala: - The 15th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile has begun its fifth session today, pledging to strengthen their efforts to garner stronger support from the international community to end the sufferings of Tibetans inside Tibet and fulfil their aspirations.

In his opening remarks, Speaker Penpa Tsering said the House will pass resolution to express condolence and solidarity with Tibetans inside Tibet, and hold deliberations to find a lasting solution to the escalating crisis in Tibet.

"We know in our hearts the sufferings of Tibetans inside Tibet, and we pledge to redouble our efforts to let the international community know this and take action," he said.

He said that the Tibetan leadership in exile, led by the Kashag and Tibetan Parliament, have made the international community clearly aware that the Chinese government's repressive policies in Tibet are the root causes leading to tragic self-immolation by Tibetans.

He said Tibetans in exile wholeheartedly participated in the Tibetan People's Solidarity Rally in Delhi earlier this year in non-violent, legal and dignified manner, adding that unity is our strengthen to push the world to act on Tibet problem.

He expressed deep gratitude to all the Tibet Support Groups and those who have supported Tibetan people's truth and non-violent struggle for freedom and dignity.

Speaker Penpa Tsering expressed deep concern over the lack of willingness on the part of Chinese government to address their failed policies in Tibet, adding that the current crisis in Tibet will not end unless the Chinese leadership brings positive change in Tibet.

He expressed hope that the new Chinese leadership under President Xi Jinping will resolve the problem of Tibet through finding truth from facts rather than engage in cover-up and blame game.

The time has come for the Chinese government to respond positively to the sincere overtures made by the Tibetan leadership towards resolving the issue of Tibet through dialogue, he said, adding that the Tibetan leadership remains committed to pursue the mutually-beneficial Middle-Way policy.

The House passed a resolution to mourn and express solidarity with all those Tibetans who have self-immolated for the cause of Tibet.

The House expressed condolences over the passing away of former officials of the Central Tibetan Administration namely former Kalon Trisur Juchen Thubten Namgyal, Kalon Trisur Sonam Topgyal, Kasur Alak Jigme and Mr Jampa Kalden, former Secretary of Security Department and Venerable Tarha Tenzin Choenyi, former Secretary of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. "We mourn their demise and honour their remarkable service and contribution during the Tibetan freedom struggle," Speaker Penpa Tsering said.

The House will discuss and approve the annual budget of the Central Tibetan Administration for the year 2013-2104 during its current ten-day session.