Tibetan Cultural Centre in Belgium Celebrate Its Fourth Anni.

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3 December 2012 003Dharamshala: Around 100 people attended the fourth anniversary celebration of Belgium's Tibetan Cultural Centre (TCC) on Friday, November 30.

Participants, representing a number of Tibet support groups from Belgium and other European countries, drank butter tea, sang the Tibetan national anthem, made a khata (traditional Tibetan scarf) offering to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and observed a minute's silence for all the Tibetans who have died under Chinese occupation.

After they enjoyed some Tibetan culinary specialties, music, dance, an exhibition of children's writing and artwork, as well as a competition for the most beautiful chupa (Tibetan dress.)

The event was attended by His Holiness the Dalai Lama's representative to the European Union, Ngodup Dorjee, who made a speech expressing his appreciation for the TCC and its importance for the future of Tibetan children in Belgium.

The TCC, which aims to preserve all aspects of Tibetan culture, has established weekend schools in Brussels, Antwerp and Ostend at which Tibetan children can study their language, culture and Tibetan Buddhism, tell stories, sing songs, play games, and occasionally receive teachings from a visiting Geshe.

The organisation also runs a week-long summer school, during which Tibetan youngsters study Buddhism and their language, say morning prayers, and learn about Tibet's holy sites.

Recently the TCC began running Tibetan language classes for adults, and also organises Lhakar (a strategic non-violent Tibetan resistance movement) meetings each Wednesday.

Report and photos sent by Mr Karma Dondub Dennis Barbion, Belgium.