Tibetan Flame of Truth Relay Lights Up Udaipur

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flame of truth ralayUdaipur, October 9:The Tibetan Parliament-in-exile's Flame of Truth received a warm welcome in Udaipur, Rajasthan, on Saturday, October 6.

The Central Tibetan Administration reported that over 100 Tibetans turned out to greet the symbolic torch, carried by parliamentarian Karma Yeshi, with a standing ovation when it arrived at the city's Tibetan Market at around 9pm.

The Flame of Truth campaign, launched on July 6th - His Holiness the Dalai Lama's 77th birthday - aims to spread awareness of the plight of Tibetans inside Tibet throughout India and 30 other countries across the world, as well as to express solidarity with the growing number of Tibetans who have self-immolated.

During a press conference at Udaipur's Lake City press club on Sunday, October 7, Karma Yeshi described the worsening situation in Tibet and expressed his concern for over 50 Tibetans who have self-immolated both within and outside Tibet, protesting Chinese rule in their country.

During the Udaipur leg of the worldwide relay, Karma Yeshi also met General Secretary of Shanti Peet, Sh. A. G. Trivedi, former Home Minister and current Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA), Sh. Gulab Chand Kataria alongside members of the BJP at the party's Udaipur office, and former MP and current MLA, Smt. Kiran Maheshwari, all of whom expressed support and signed the Tibet petition, due to be submitted to the UN in December.

Many Tibetans and Indian supporters also participated in a candle light vigil, which began at the Tibetan Market in Samore Bagh at 6.30pm on Monday, October 8, during which they sang the Tibetan and Indian national anthems, recited prayers and distributed pamphlets in Hindi and English. Addressing the crowd in front of a statue of Mahatma Gandhi, Sh. A. G. Trivedi expressed his pleasure at having organised the peaceful event, and pledging his support for the Tibetan people, said: "The sun will rise again in Tibet and Tibetan people will one day enjoy their freedom with dignity like any other human beings."

The vigil was also attended by local senior citizens who expressed their support by shouting slogans including "Long Live the Dalai Lama," and signing the Tibet petition.

Karma Yeshi is currently leading the next leg of the Flame of Truth relay in Baroda city, Gujarat.