First Exile Conference for Independent Tibet Held In Dharamshala

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27 june 2012 002Dharamshala, June 27: The first exiled Tibetan Conference for an independent Tibet held at the hall of Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamshala, India. The conference was coordinated by four Tibetans who are working in different field; Dorjee Tseten, director of Students For Free Tibet - India (SFT-India) and Tenzin Tsondue, president of regional Tibetan Youth Congress Dharamshala, Shigsa Rinpoche, editor of woekar; a Tibetan langauage website and Choenyi Woeser, assistant-Editor of The Tibet Express. The one-day meeting will conclude with a press statement this evening.

At the meeting the main speakers were Sonam Topgyal, former Kalon Tripa of the Central Tibetan Administration, Jamyang Norbu, eminent writer and Lhasam Tsering, freedom fighter. All are appealing for an independent Tibet. Around 100 people from different parts of the world have attended the meeting.

Around 10 members of the Tibetan Parliament in exile and some journalists also attended the one-day historical conference.

Attendees were being asked to conform rather than truly discuss with main topics and articulate their new ideas for the independent struggle.

Highlighting the present tense and desperate situation in Tibet, the one-day conference will also focus on how their future movements for a Tibet independent will be carried out in a safe, respectful and effective manner.

At least 40 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in Tibe since last March to protest against Chinese repressive policies toward Tibetans. Sources from Tibet said two young Tibetan men set themselves alight in Kham region of eastern Tibet on Wednesday, June 20, carried Tibetan national flags and called for Tibetan independence and the return of the spiritual leader of Tibet His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The main topics of discussion will be;-

1) How to improve the independent struggle and movements in future?

2) What form of protest and memorial should be done in 2013 as it will be the centennial anniversary since the 13th Dalai Lama declared Tibet independent?

3) How to challenge the Chinese Government who has cut off communication to many parts of Tibet?

4) How to unite all organizations and individuals with ability, which will fight for an independent Tibet?