Kagyur Scripture March by TCV School, Upper Dharamshala

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9june2012-001Dharamshala: A march was held yesterday on the 8th of June led by the Student's of Tibetan Children's Village School in Upper Dharamshala. 185 students made their way from their school to central McLeod Ganj holding the 101 volumes of Kagyur, sacred teachings of Lord Buddha.

The student's chose the most sacred month in the Tibetan calendar, Saka Dawa to execute this march. They trudged up and down the hilly landscape to make their way to the main town. They often did not stop with their chants and shouts of protest.

In a statement released by the students, they have clearly indicated three goals that they wished to achieve. Essentially they wanted to give thanks and prayer to the martyrs of the Tibetan cause as well as show support for the Tibetans who have received and are still receiving the brutality of the Chinese regime. They also prayed for the long life of His Holiness the Dalia Lama and hoped that he could return to Tibet in his lifetime.

The children despite their youth showed maturity beyond their years. It wasn't a movement of mass hysteria nor was it a case of the blind following the blind. Yes, perhaps a little prod in the right direction by the teaching staff, but to fight for a cause with such conviction requires more than just simple obedience.

As they walked through the town their chants brought many of the people out on to the streets. Fighting for a country that many have never set foot in themselves shows what belief the Tibetan cause has instilled.