Call for Solidarity with Peace Marcher Tseten Dorjee

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23may2012-003Dharamshala, May 23:  Tseten Dorjee, the peace marcher, who began his walk to Tibet on the 10th of March from Dharamshala along with his sister and mother, is, according to reports, currently being detained by Nepalese police after managing to walk for eight days across Nepal.

Dorjee, who has stated that he will not use the march to express anti-Nepalese sentiments while in Nepal, has vowed to continue his peace march until his death, furthermore he also told reporters that he will not stop the struggle for peace in Tibet.

Dorjee originally set off with his mother, Dhumpo Kyi, and sister, Lhamo Kyi, on the peace march. Both mother and sister have, at least as of now, discontinued the walk after being turned back at the Nepalese border. However, Dhumpo Kyi has reportedly said that she will carry on even if she has to crawl despite, she claims, being beaten up at the border post in Nepal and having to receive medical attention for her injuries.

There are now real fears that Dorjee could be deported back to India, or perhaps even jailed in Nepal for his activities. As of today, the 23rd of May, it is thought that he is currently being detained by Nepalese police in the town of Thumpo Rin close to the capital city of Kathmandu.

Human rights groups and NGO's both in Nepal and in Dharamshala are watching developments closely and are increasingly concerned for the exiled Tibetan. Penpa Tsering, the speaker of the Tibetan parliament in exile, has expressed support for Dorjee and has urged concerned Tibetan groups and the Central Tibetan Administration to show solidarity and support for Dorjee's peace march to Tibet.

The exiled family began their peace march as a show of solidarity with the plight of Tibetans inside Tibet, and the repressive conditions that they currently find themselves in under Chinese rule. Dorjee stated as he began his walk: '' Tibetans in Tibet keep burning themselves demanding freedom in Tibet, it is our responsibility to be united and stand together for Tibet''.