Tibetan Protesters Find Creative Strategies

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13september20102Dharamshala: Over half a century has passed since the Chinese first invaded and occupied Tibet, and Tibetans-in-exile have protested through demonstrations both peaceful and confrontational. But increasingly, protesters have resorted to creative strategies to catch the public imagination and attract media attention. Thus, the Tibetan Women's Association (TWA) and the Tibetan Association of Northern California (TANC) are paying tribute to Tibet's martyrs in unique and imaginative ways.

The Tibetan Memorial Quilt Project has been touring India, beginning in Bylekuppe, Coorg, and set to conclude at the Tibetan Children's Village, Mcleodganj, on September 14. Initiated by TANC in the US, the project is a tribute and memorial to the more than 1.2 million Tibetans who have died in their struggle for justice and freedom. The exhibition is being held in conjunction with TWA and the Tibetan Nuns Project (TNP).

Dechen Tsering, TANC's president, told The Tibet Post International, "We wanted to involve as much Tibetans as possible in this creative protest. We have borrowed this silent and creative protest from the Black American women slaves who made quilts to protest against white supremacy. We have adapted that form of protest to our context."

She continued, "We have used the colours of Tibetan prayer flags to make the quilts. Anyone around the world can participate or donate to the cause. You may choose to create a panel privately or with your community, as a personal memorial to the Tibetan hero."

To commemorate its 26th anniversary-in-exile, the Tibetan Women's Association has also paid tribute to Tibet's martyrs by announcing the Indian launch of Jamyang Kyi's Twenty-Six Years in Exile - an account of the grave situation in Chinese prisons inside Tibet.

The TWA is the second largest Tibetan NGO, with 52 regional chapters and over 15,000 members outside Tibet. It aims to empower Tibetan women both in exile and in Tibet.

To find out how to contribute to the Tibetan Quilt Project, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

More information on the Tibetan Women's Association and its projects visit www.tibetanwomen.org