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Dharamshala — The office of Tibet in Brussels celebrated the joyous upcoming 82nd birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the evening of June 28 at Concert Noble of the Belgian capital.

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Brussels — The 35th round of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue was held in Brussels on 22-23 June. During the meeting, the EU side raised the issue of Tibet and urged China to release the Tibetan activists, writers and religious figures who face criminal charges or have been imprisoned for exercising their right to freedom of expression.

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Dharamshala — Authorities of the Chinese communist regime have refused Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo permission to move home to Beijing or seek medical treatment outside China as fears mount he is close to death after being diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer.

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Brussels — The Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament (DROI), expressed his concern over the grave human rights situation in Tibet and called on the Chinese government for the resumption of the Sino-Tibetan dialogue.

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Minneapolis, US — The spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness addressed the Tibetan community in Minneapolis, United States and sai the middle way approach is approved and supported by many governments around the world including that of the USA.

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Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh — The Bhopal Regional Bharat Tibbat Sahyog Manch, Bhopal Bharkatulla University and Core Group for Tibetan Cause – India jointly hosted a day long seminar on Sino-Indian relations from the perspective of Tibet on 20th June. Over 200 participants comprising students, research fellows and guests were in attendance.

The Tibet Post International website has been hacked, experts say they have found suspicious files. Photo: TPI.

Dharamshala – The Tibet Post International (TPI) website, an autonomous newspaper agency based in India, was hacked. While no regime nor group claimed responsibility, the newspaper asserts it was an intentional, malicious, and sustained cyber onslaught.

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