Ladakh, UT, India — “It is our essential nature to be compassionate. From the moment we're born our mother takes care of us. Without this care we would not survive. This experience is our first opportunity to learn that compassion is the root of all happiness. However, this natural appreciation of compassion seems to fade once we go to school. We need to be reminded that good health and a peaceful state of mind are founded on love and compassion,” said His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

New Delhi — Leaders of China’s major colonies like Tibet, East Turkistan (Xinjiang), Southern Mongolia, and Hong Kong and experts belonging to Taiwan, the democracy movement of China and the European Parliament have expressed opinion that international unity and a solid alliance between these colonies hold the hope for the collapse of the communist regime and hence the freedom of these colonies.

New Delhi — "The Chinese Communist Party uses forced abortion and forced sterilisation to restrict the Tibetan population and pushes for marriage to Han settlers as a tool of cultural genocide. Tibetan women continue their freedom struggle despite all Chinese atrocities," said Experts in an international webinar on ‘Tibetan Women and Human Rights Under China’s Colonial Rule’.

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