Dharamshala, India — His Holiness the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibet, expressed his condolences on the demise of Mikhail Gorbachev, the former President of the Soviet Union, and said: "He lived a meaningful life. We must keep his spirit alive by emulating the enthusiasm and determination with which he promoted freedom and worked to create a demilitarised world."

New Delhi — In addition to thousands of citizens of Tibet, East Turkistan and Southern Mongolia who disappear every year under the Chinese colonial rule, millions of children in the 6 - 18 year age group have also disappeared into the brainwashing schools established by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in these colonies. Experts from these three countries called upon the world community, especially the United Nations, to take urgent and effective steps to stop this process of disappearance and ‘cultural genocide’ in these Chinese colonies.

Dharamshala — The Ministry of Education of China and other 10 departments jointly issued a document to comprehensively promote the construction of "big ideology class" of President Xi Jinping's thoughts on politics, military, foreign affairs, economy, social and education in schools, colleges and universities. They said that education centres were not doing enough to promote Xi Jinping's ideas and that they would strengthen these ideas more strictly.

Geneva — The UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Tomoya Obokata, identified forced labour arrangements in Tibet similar to those in East Turkestan, noted that “the vocational skills education and training centre system, under which minorities are detained and subjected to work placements,”. He will present his latest report at the 51st session of the Human Rights Council from 12 September to 7 October 2022.

Vancouver — A Tibetan activist in Canada has launched a Free Tibet bicycle rally across Canada with five demands to the international community and the Canadian government, including support for the release of the 11th Panchen Lama and other political prisoners in Tibet and an end to reckless development policies that are devastating the Tibetan environment and putting the entire planet at risk.

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