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Rome: Prof Samdhong Rinpoche representing His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet took part in the 25th Anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Peace in Assisi, Italy on 27 October 2011. Twenty-five years ago, Pope John Paul II initiated the historic first Assisi interfaith meeting.

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Dharamshala: - The spiritual leader of Tibet in exile arrived in Tokyo today, on his 11th visit to Japan. On being asked the purpose of his visit, His Holiness said that although he had offered prayers to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan this year, he wished to personally visit the affected areas, reported the Japanese media. "So, this time after the teachings at Koyasan University, I will visit the affected areas, offer prayers and consolation, and share the difficult times", said His Holiness.

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Brussels : The European Parliament on 27 October 2011 adopted a resolution on Tibet in which it expressed its deep concern on the recent self-immolations of eight Tibetan Buddhist monks and one nun in Ngaba, Tibet, and condemned the continued crackdown by Chinese authorities on Tibetan monasteries and sentencing of the Kirti monks without fair trial.

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Dharamshala: - On October 20th of this year, China claimed that the capital of Tibet, Lhasa (Ch: Tibet Autonomous Region), saw the founding and inaugaration of the Tibet Buddhist College, a 99.33 million yuan venture in creating a "modern academic system" to integrate Tibetan Buddhism with a socialist society.

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Berlin, Germany: - Three members of the German parliament wrote an open letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel urging her to speak up for Tibet at the G20-summit in Cannes. The current situation still remains tense in eastern Tibet, particularly in Ngaba county and a total of ten people already self-immolated within Tibet in protest against Chinese repressions.

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Brussels, Belgium: - As the Belgian Prince Philippe is now on a trade mission to China, one of the biggest trade missions he has ever done, on 26th October, two Belgian Tibet supporters, Dennis Barbion and Ilse Keysabyl, have written a letter to the Prince of Belgium to express their concern about the Tibetan issue and the human rights violations in China and Tibet. A copy of the letter is also sent to the Belgian Minister Steven Vanackere of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

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Dharamshala: - Tibetans and supporters around the world are taking part in activities including mass prayers and protests as part of global days of action on Tibet to express solidarity with Tibetan people living inside Tibet. Twelve cities from the Latin American region on 2 November will undertake a solidarity action in support of people in Tibet.

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