Dharamshala — Prominent leaders and personalities including PM, Secretary and MPs from around the world sent greetings and congratulations to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on the occasion of his 88th birthday. Social media platforms were flooded with greetings from his supporters and followers, who appreciated his greatness and perseverance in championing the cause of Tibet and securing world peace.

Geneva – The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Australia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, the UK, the USA and other 64 countries raised the issue of China's human rights violations in Tibet, Chinese colonial boarding schools in Tibet, the persecution of human rights defenders and the mistreatment of Tibetan women in Tibet at the 53rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which is currently taking place in Geneva, Switzerland.

Dharamshala, India – Following the recent elections in Finland, Petteri Orpo became Prime Minister of Finland. His Holiness wrote to congratulate him shortly afterwards. The spiritual leader of Tibet wished him every success in meeting the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the people of Finland as well as contributing to a more peaceful, more compassionate world.

Dharamshala - The Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development of the Canadian House of Commons recently released a report entitled "The human rights situation of Tibetans and the Chinese residential boarding School and preschool system" and Canadian Parliamentarians urged Canadian government to sanction Chinese authorities, who is responbilities for the oppressive boarding school system in Tibet and violations of Human rights of Tibetans.

Canberra – Sikyong of the Central Tibetan Administration addressed the National Press Club of Australia on the theme "Resolving the Sino-Tibetan conflict and securing peace in the region" on June 21, 2023. Sikyong highlighted the lack of freedom in Tibet and described Tibet as a prison under Chinese rule, adding that "Tibet has no political or civil rights under Chinese rule". He also called on Australia to impose sanctions on Chinese officials for their human rights violations.

Canberra - The House of Representatives and the Senate honored Sikyong Penpa Tsering at the Australian Parliament on June 20, 2023. Sikyong observed the proceedings of Parliament as Australian MPs and Senators presented their views on the current situation in Tibet and highlighted the human rights violations faced by Tibetans under Chinese rule. Senator Lidia Thorpe urged the Australian government to stand up against cultural genocide in Tibet.

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