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Dharamshala: - New York-based prominent human rights organisation has criticised the Chinese government for carrying out widespread secret arrests and torture of Tibetans in custody and authoritarian control over all judicial institutions.

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New Delhi: - Speaking at a press conference held Saturday (2 February) in New Delhi, Kirti Rinpoche, the head lama of Kirti monasteries, where more than 30 of the 99 self-immolations occurred, spoke out against the recent conviction of eight Tibetans for allegedly inciting self-immolations.

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New Delhi: On February 2, mass gathering with Indian Supporters and speeches by Indian Parliamentarians and prominent Indian leaders marked the final day of Tibetan People's Solidarity Campaign. Over 1500 Indian supporters and 6000 Tibetans took part in the daylong event at Jantar Mantar in the Indian capital of New Delhi.

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New Delhi: - The day-long prayer was led by His Eminence Gaden Tri Rinpoche, 102nd Throne-holder of the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and the first of Indian origin. Former External Affairs Minister of India Shri Jaswant Singh visited the gathering and expressed his strong support and solidarity with Tibet and Tibetan people.

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Dharamshala: - The Central Tibetan Administration Friday, has condemned the harsh prison sentences given to eight Tibetans, who were convicted of inciting others to self-immolate to protest Chinese rule.

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New Delhi: - Dr Lobsang Sangay, the political leader of Tibetan people (Sikyong)and noted China experts Shri Lalit Mansingh, former foreign secretary of India and Shri Jayadeva Ranade, former additional secretary of the Indian Government as well as Kirti Rinpoche, the head lama of Kirti monastery, Dharamshala, discussed Tibet at a seminar at the India International Centre, New Delhi.

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New Delhi: Day 2 of 'Tibetan People's Solidarity Campaign' began with an interfaith prayer held from 1030 hours to 1230 hours at Rajghat. Religious leaders' representatives led the prayer meeting from Buddhist, Christain, Islam, Jain, Hindu, Sikh, Bahai and Jew faiths. H.E. Kirti Rinpoche, the religious head of Kirti Monasteries where more than 30 self-immolations took place along with over 700 Tibetan Buddhist monks took part in the prayer meeting that was attended by over 7000 people.

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