Sino-Tibet issue is a struggle between forcefulness and truthfulness

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Tibet-Latvia-Baltic-Russia-MPs-2017Riga, Latvia — Sino-Tibet issue is a struggle between forcefulness and truthfulness, His Holiness the Dalai Lama told a group MPs from Baltic States during his meetings with them on the second day of a three-day tour of the Baltic state of Latvia.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with a group of parliamentarians from the three Baltic states in Riga, Latvia's capital, on September 24, 2017. His Holiness thanked the parliamentarians for attending the meeting and spoke on the essentially of their support.

Andris Buikis, Tibet supporter and Latvian Member of Parliament welcomed His Holiness and said that he and his fellow MPs shared the same understanding and support for the people of Tibet and what they are going through, since the Baltic states too were occupied by a foreign power for over 50 years.

His Holiness, recalling the past, mentioned the various efforts he had made in finding a peaceful solution to the Tibet issue following his escape from Tibet in 1959.

"I have lived in India for the last 58 years as a stateless refugee. However, I also gained access to the global community", he added. He also clarified that dictatorial states have a short lifespan and lauded the Baltic States for seizing the opportunity in securing independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

His Holiness said, "I believe that sometimes smaller nations, which are no threat to China, can be more critical in what they tell them". "The Chinese authorities have used all sorts of methods to eliminate the Tibetan spirit, but human determination cannot be destroyed by force", he added.

When questioned by the parliamentarians on how they could help with the Tibet issue, His Holiness replied by saying that they could seize the opportunity whenever it arises and express their concern for Tibet. His Holiness also advised them not to believe in Chinese propaganda and see for themselves the situation of Tibet; its language, culture, education and ecology.

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate further stated that the Sino-Tibet issue is a struggle between force and truth. "The power of weapons seems vigorous in the short term, but the power of truth will always be stronger in the long run", he concluded.

After their meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lithuanian MPs said they will work to restore the Tibet friendship group that existed in earlier parliaments, informs LETA/BNS.

"I believe we can all help here by simple contribution, belief or establishment of a Seimas group that would be intended for friendship with Tibet. We will definitely initiate this," conservative MP Monika Navickiene told BNS on September 25.

The meeting with the Tibetan leader was also attended by MPs of Latvia and Estonia. Parliaments of these countries include groups for ties with Tibet. Navickiene, the Lithuanian MP, said the Tibetan leader spoke about the potential for the situation to improve, adding that "the people of Tibet indeed need support now."

Another participant of the meeting, Liberal Movement's MP Arunas Gelunas, emphasized Tibet did not seek political independence from China. His Holiness the Dalai Lama said they did not seek political independence, they do not want to be a separate state, they would do just fine with religious, linguistic and cultural freedom, which is now restricted in a cruel manner," said the PM.

Decorative street signs in the Lithuanian and Tibetan languages were unveiled in the Tibet Square in Vilnius past summer. Lithuania views the Tibet region in the Himalaya Mountains as part of China, however, joins the call by the European Union for peaceful regulation of the relations between the China and Tibet.

The spiritual leader of Tibet had a packed schedule in Riga, including meetings with parliamentarians from the Baltic States and Tibet Support groups from the Baltic States, Latvian celebrities and several members of the media. 23th to 25thof September this year saw the seventh visit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Latvia (the previous two being in 1991 and 2001). This time the three day visit was organized by Save Tibet Latvia and Save Tibet Foundation, Russia with a help from many other NGO's and individual supporters.

Tibet was invaded by the Communist regime in China, starting in 1949. Since that time, over 1.2 million out of 6 Tibetans died as a direct result of China's invasion and continued occupation of Tibet, over 6000 monasteries have been looted and destroyed— Crimes against Humanity and Genocide include murder, massacres, torture, rape, starvation, extreme deprivation, forced marches, enslavement, brutal violence, and systematic extermination. The communist regime continues to call this a 'peaceful liberation', that the "Tibetans are living in a Maoist socialist paradise."