China accuses US lawmakers of promoting independence for Tibet

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pelosi delegationDharamshala — The communist regime China has raised unreasonable objections with the United States government after a recent meeting between a high-level US bipartisan Congressional delegation and His Holiness the Dalai Lama with other top Tibetan leaders. The bipartisan delegation led by Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi called out China for its blatant disregard for human rights in Tibet.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang, unreasonably objected to the meeting on May 10, saying that the meeting has undermined the US’s promises and commitment of not supporting the Tibetan Independence movement. It amounted to giving political support to the Tibetan leader, whom the communist regime regards as a 'dangerous separatist.'

"The visit by the relevant delegates of the US Congress to meet the Dalai Lama sent a very wrong signal to the world about Tibet independence and goes against the United States' promises on Tibet," the spokesma said, adding, "China firmly opposes this and has lodged solemn representations with the US."

"We urge relevant Congress people in the US to carefully handle the Tibet issue, stop all communications with the Dalai Lama and take immediate measures to deal with the negative impact of the visit," Geng said.

However, House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi said that the purpose of the delegation was to initiate the stalled dialogue between the two parties and espouse commitment of the United States towards human rights and environmental concerns in Tibet.

"You will not be silenced. The brutal tactics of the Chinese government to erase race, culture and language of Tibetan people challenges the conscience of the world. We will meet that challenge.

“To some in China, the authentic autonomous Tibet is inconceivable; to us it is inevitable. We must shorten the distance between the inconceivable to them and inevitable to us. I am sure with your devotion, determination and commitment to Tibetan values, culture, language and religions and under leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama who will live to be at least 113 years old, I am certain we will succeed,” Pelosi said last week at an official felicitation attended by the Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The Tibetan leader pointed out, in foresight of any impending objection from Beijing, that the meetings should not be viewed as a retaliatory act against China and that he does not consider them as enemy but friend. “We must not consider China as our enemy but friend and the dire situation in Tibet is a problem for both Tibet and China, and must be addressed. Use of force only leads to distrust and fear, which eventually leads to discord and without harmony the problem can’t be addressed,” the Dalai Lama said at the gathering attended by thousands of Tibetans and supporters waving the Tibetan and US national flags.

Joining Leader Pelosi was US representatives Jim Sensenbrenner, Eliot Engel, Jim McGovern, Betty McCollum, Judy Chu, Joyce Beatty and Pramila Jayapal.

The visit by the bipartisan US delegation included stops in Nepal and India, and the delegation met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi where they also raised the Tibet issue. Leader Pelosi told press, "In our meetings with top government officials, our delegation expressed our gratitude to the government and people of India for hosting His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, and for the support of Tibetans living in India."

The Dalai Lama, has met all the recent United States Presidents from the senior President Bush through to President Obama, who he most recently met with just last year. The Tibetan spiritual leader has expressed a desire to meet President Trump as well.