China Among the World’s Worst Jailers of Journalists; Rights Group

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Dharamsala, India: - In 12th year in a row, New York based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has named China in its list of the world's worst jailers of journalists. China shares this space of being among the repressive regimes that obstruct free and fair journalism with Iran, Eriteria and Syria.

According to statistics, the number of journalists imprisoned across the world has soared up to more than 20 percent of its highest level since the mid-1990s owing to 34 journalists more imprisoned over its 2010 tally.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) stated that the Chinese government has been severe on Tibetans and has ‘ruthlessly cracked down on editors and writers who had sought to give a voice to the Tibetans and Uighurs.'

A total of 27 journalists including writers, editors and photojournalists were jailed in china; 10 of them Tibetans a17 of them who covered the oppressed ethnic groups said the facts stated in the CPJ press release.

The CPJ also expressed its fear regarding the possibility of more journalists languishing in Chinese prisons who have not come to the notice of news organizations and NGOs.

The 10 Tibetans named in the list are -

Dhondup Wangchen - Filmmaker
He was an independent filmmaker who was charged with inciting separatism and imprisoned on 26 March 2008. His movie ‘Jigdrel' (Leaving Fear Behind) made along with assistant Jigme Gyatso featured interviews with ordinary Tibetans about their lives under the Chinese rule in the run-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Kunchok Tsephel Gopey -Writer
Imprisoned on February 26, 2009, Kunchok Tsephel, an online writer is currently serving 15 years in prison on charges of disclosing state secrets. He used to run the websites about Tibetan Cultural Issues called CHOMEI

Kunga Tsayang - Freelance writer
An environmental activist and photographer, Kunga Tsayang wrote online articles under the penname Gang-Nyi (Sun of Snow Land), and maintained his own website titled Zindris (Jottings). He wrote several essays on politics in Tibet, including "Who Is the Real Instigator of Protests?" shortly after the 2008 uprisings in Tibet.

Imprisoned on March 17, 2009, Kunga Tsayang is currently serving a five-year jail term on charges of revealing state secrets.

Tashi Rabten - Editors
Imprisoned on April 6, 2010, Tashi Rabten is currently serving four years in jail for editing a banned magazine Shar Dungri (Eastern Snow Mountain) and publishing a collection of articles titled Written in Blood following the March 2008 uprisings in Tibet.

Dokru Tsultrim - Freelance writer
Imprisoned on May 24, 2010, Dokru Tsultrim, a monk from Ngaba Gomang Monastery is being held for no formal charges or trial proceedings.

Dokru Tsultrim was detained in April 2009 for alleged anti-government writings and articles in support of the Dalai Lama and for publishing a private Tibetan journal, Khawai Tsesok (Life of Snow).

The three men were arrested in 2010 for writing in the Tibetan-language magazine Shar Dungri.

Jangtse Donkho - Freelance writer.
Detained on June 21, 2010, he was an author and editor who wrote under the penname Nyen, (Wild One) and is currently serving a four-year jail term for contributing to the Tibetan language magazine Shar Dungri.

Buddha - Practicing physician cum Freelance writer and Kalsang Jinpa - Freelance writer

These two men were tried together on 21 October 2010 for inciting separatism through their articles they published in Shar Dungri magazine, and were given jail terms of four and three years, respectively.

Jolep Dawa - Editor
Imprisoned on October 1, 2010, Jolep Dawa, a Tibetan writer and editor of a monthly Tibetan-language magazine, Durab Kyi Nga is currently serving three years in prison.

Choepa Lugyal (Meycheh) - Freelance
Imprisoned on October 19, 2011, Choepa Lugyal, a publishing house employee who wrote online under the name Meycheh, is currently serving a four year jail term. Choepa Lugyal wrote several print and online articles, including pieces for the Tibetan magazine Shar Dungri.