His Holiness the Dalai Lama Shares Wisdom with Victims of Fukushima

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7th-november-2011-jpnKoriyama, Japan: - Yesterday, (6th November) the spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama made his last stop in Japan, at Koriyama in the Fukushima prefecture, an area under the risk of nuclear radiation in the aftermath of the massive earthquake that took place in March of this year.

The Dalai Lama addressed an audience of thousands at Nihon University, 100 km away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, offering wisdom to the victims on how to overcome hardships.

He spoke about how a calm mind, self-confidence and a realistic approach are keys to confronting
Speaking to thousands of people at a packed auditorium of Nihon University in Koriyama, located about 100km off the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, His Holiness underlined that calm mind, self-confidence and realistic approach are keys to confronting tragedy.

Comparing the physical and mental being, he commented, "Your physical health can be protected if your immune system is good. But if your mental state is disturbed, then even a small problem would seem unbearable". He said that a peaceful mind brings positive perception, and thus, the ability to deal courageously with difficulties.

His Holiness added that genuine compassion is unbiased and honest in it's motivation- one should not expect anything back.

A teacher in the audience spoke expressed his concern that the natural disaster had adversely affected the state of mind of the people in the region. His Holiness replied "Mental unhappiness comes from fear and feeling of helplessness. Always think that you are not alone, all of humanity is with you".

Many members of the audience expressed their heartfelt grievances to His Holiness during the session, and he replied with immense positivity and encouragement, reassuring them that he would share in their suffering

"Natural disasters may increase because of changing global ecology. But it will not completely destroy the world. The world will remain for thousands of years. But our complaints will never end. Everyone among nearly 7 billion human beings have something to complain about. Don't worry. Be optimistic," he said.

The Dalai Lama touched upon the topics of secular education and moral ethics, stating how the lack of a holistic approach, and increased importance to materialism in education are the bases of all modern problems.He mentioned that top American scientists and universities such as Wisconsin University, Stanford University and Emory University were carrying out special research in order to introduce secular ethics into modern education and urged the head of Nihon University to do the same.

The Tibetan spiritual leader conducted a detailed talk on how to attain inner peace, nurture compassion and values in adults and children, as well as patiently tending to the dilemmas of the audience with words of encouragement and wisdom. He concluded the session to thunderous applause, leaving the stricken people of Fukushima with hope and an alleviated sense of being.

Earlier in the morning, His Holiness also delivered a key note talk at Seiwa Gakuen High School in Koriyama.

After the talk in Koriyama, His Holiness left for Tokyo, wrapping up his 10 day visit to Japan and leaving his devotees with a renewed lease on life.