Tibet Supporters Put Pressure on Politicos on the Eve of the G20

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2nd-November-2011-G20Dharamshala, India: - In a matter of a few hours, Tibet supporters in 60 cities worldwide will come together for the ‘Global Day of Action', an initiative by Stand Up For Tibet, by which supporters will sign a pledge of solidarity against Chinese rule and repression in Tibet. Not coincidentally, the pledge for action comes at the opportune time when Chinese president, Hu Jintao will make his way to the G20 summit, scheduled to take place in France from 3-4 November.

Around 180 Tibet support groups worldwide, are joining the "ENOUGH! Global Intervention for Tibet" demonstration in order to shine a light upon the oppressive situation in Ngaba County, where Tibetans are being stripped of extremely imperative human rights, including the freedom of speech, religion and the right to obtain information. The protest initiative has been co-signed by a coalition of more than 180 Tibet-related organizations on five continents, and calls for serious action on the part of global leaders in solving the crisis.

Since its first summit in 1999, the G20 has become a principal forum in the discussion and remedying of global economic issues between industrial and emerging-market countries. This year, in Cannes, the eyes of the world turn to the Group of Twenty to take a stand for the Tibetan issue, which has reached a critical point with the self-immolation of 5 monks in Eastern Tibet since March 2011. The desperate acts of these monks have fueled agitations and protests by empathizers all over the globe.

During the Summit, Tibetans in exile, Chinese and Vietnamese communities, and supporters will stand in solidarity with Tibetans and call upon the global leaders to reprimand the violations of the Chinese government against the people of Tibet and work towards the creation of multilateral diplomatic measures to remedy the situation. The pro-Tibet activists also ask that Chinese heads resume a dialogue with the Dalai Lama and his representatives regarding genuine autonomy for Tibet, call off the censorship and restriction of international media in Tibet and suspend interference in the monasteries in the Sichuan province.

This massive show of solidarity and esprit de corps will take place today, on the eve of the summit, in over 22 countries, including Australia, the US, Germany and France.

On October 31, 50 Tibetans and supporters demonstrated outside the Federal Chancellery in Berlin, demanding diplomatic intervention and that Chancellor Angela Merkel condemns China's repressive measures across Tibet at the G20. Tibet Initiative Deutschland also organized a candlelight vigil at the event.

In a stance that is at the cornerstone of Buddhist ideology, the Dalai Lama called for a non-violent resistance in the face of Chinese oppression, which has only increased since the occupation in 1959. Paying no respect to the demands of Tibet and other governments, China's policies have steadily become more and more ruthless. It seems that the only solution to a free Tibet is divine or global diplomatic intervention, the latter of which will be called for at the world-stage in Cannes. "The silence of the world and Governments on the repression of Tibetan Buddhism and vilification of the Dalai Lama by Beijing are a daily reminder of the way corporate greed overrides human rights in global affairs", said Bob Brown, an Australian Green Party senator.

Early Tuesday, Nepalese police detained more than 60 Tibetan refugees for demonstrating outside a monastery near Kathmandu and shouting anti-China slogans in support of the Buddhist monks who self-immolated. General Chattraman Singh Gurung has promised his counterparts in China to never allow "anti-Chinese activities" to take place in Nepal, his reassurance having created a tighter leash on the 20,000 plus Tibetan exiles in Nepal.

In the capital of India, Students for a Free Tibet in alliance with Chalk Tibet, are organizing a protest that will take place at several venues around Delhi today, including Kashmiri Gate Metro, Delhi University and India Gate. The demonstrations will involve street theatre and flash mobs.

Further North, in the seat of the Dalai Lama in exile, 5 major Tibetan NGOs, including the National Democratic Party of Tibet, Tibetan Women's Association and Students for a Free Tibet-India, held a press conference today to call for a ‘more coordinated multilateral approach, including a joint demarche'. In a sweeping wave of support, celebrities, politicians and many imminent individuals including Archbishop Desmond Tutu and musicians, Radiohead have joined the 20,000 strong in demanding immediate, definitive action for Tibet.

The tsunami of supporters rising up across the globe is proof of the valiant spirit of the Tibetan struggle. ‘Enough!' sing the chorus of supporters, but will the G20 politicos sing the same tune?